Page 28 of The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance
I will tell him in person.
No, maybe Monday.
Or maybe I’ll wait until I’m showing, and he works it out for himself.
Yep, I’m screwed any way you look at it.
“So, I Facebook stalked him.”
I’m dazed and confused, primarily from the lack of sleep all weekend. Leaving Dr. Taylor’s office that day confirmed I am fifteen weeks along, pregnant by a man I despise. A stranger, in fact.
I spent the weekend panicking, planning, more panicking, and eating way too much chocolate. It isn’t the next five months I have to worry about, it is the rest of my life.
Am I even mother material? When I was fifteen, I changed my cousin’s diaper and got shit all over her face. The little brat wouldn’t keep still. Then, when I realized there was shit on the blanket, I threw it in the trash and told my auntie we left it at the park.
I’m going to be a terrible mother.
Vicky is sitting on my desk, cross-legged and shoving her phone in my face. I push it away in dismay, not wanting to deal with anything and trying my best to ignore the dry heaving. It’s Monday morning, and the office buzz is that Haden is officially back in town. Even Dee looks nervous, although I don’t know why since she has moved on with someone old enough to be her dad.
“You don’t look well,” Vicky sympathizes, handing me a bottle of water.
“Would you feel well if the man whose life you’re going to turn upside down is just about to walk through that door?”
“You have a point. So, don’t you want to know more about him?”
“I don’t think now’s the time.”
Vicky ignores me. “He’s into extreme sports.”
“Aren’t most guys?” I place my head down on my desk, resting my eyes for a brief moment.
“He loves animals. Has two dogs, Marley and Max. They’re Yorkshire Terriers.”
“Really? That’s kind of… feminine,” I mumble into my arm.
Vicky laughs, agreeing. “His favorite TV show is Top Gear.”
“Such a guy show.”
“Oh, and he plays the guitar.”
I raise my head slowly, blinking at the bright fluorescent lights. “Hmm… kinda hot.”
I cover my mouth immediately as if I were caught saying a naughty word. Vicky laughs but stops as soon as we hear the muffled voices. I try to shoo her away, turning around, so I am facing the computer and pretending that the words on my screen make sense when in reality, my nervous system has gone into meltdown mode.
“Hey, babe!”
Marcus turns my chair back around and plants a juicy kiss on my lips. Without seeming too obvious, I pull away from him and flash a fake smile, a sign of endearment to cover my nerves.
He slides his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me in again. This is not appropriate work behavior, so I gently scold him. He appears annoyed, but I ignore his childish behavior.
The Jerk is standing beside him.