Page 22 of The Office Rival: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance
The look on his face—priceless.
I have never felt so empowered.
Marcus grabs my hand, and I allow him to do so, watching Haden divert his eyes from this intimate gesture. Against the partition, Haden’s knuckles are stark white as he restrains himself. I have no idea what his problem is apart from the obvious male ego and pride bullshit.
I’m not a prize, and this isn’t a competition.
We aren’t even dating, and we both agreed it was a sweep-it-under-the rug type of fuck.
Raising my head to meet his eyes, I give him my most evil grin. “See ya later, Jerk.”
Marcus and I sit in the booth near the entrance, lucky to get a seat at a popular diner. The burgers here are delicious, and so is Marcus. I have no idea how old he is, and given that it’s rude to ask, I settle for assuming he’s in his twenties. God, when did I become such a cougar. Guys in their twenties have this wicked aura around them. At least that’s what Vicky tells me. I can see it, though. They tend to care a hell of a lot more about their appearance, obsessed with working on their physique. They often dress in all designer labels, and even when they dress down, they rock a pair of jeans and a tee like a model on a runway.
Then, there’s the hair.
Marcus has beautiful jet-black hair.
Although it’s short, you can tell it’s silky smooth. If he grew it out, he would look like Cleopatra, and I would happily feed him grapes from a golden plate.
While the waiter serves us our meals, my phone vibrates. Expecting a much-needed text from Vicky, I’m surprised to see it’s from the Jerk instead, and immediately roll my eyes before even opening the message.
Haden: What do you mean unleash on you? Are we talking about this now?
I should respond with something witty, but Marcus has focused his attention on me. So I throw my phone into my purse and dive into my meal. He has quite an appetite on him, almost polishing off the burger in a second.
“I could do another,” he says with a satisfied smile.
“Why not? You only live once. There’s always the gym…” I trail off.
“So, tell me, why are you a gym virgin, and why the sudden urge to work out? You look amazing, hot, sexy, just in case no one has ever told you that.” He smirks.
“Nice flirting.” I laugh in return, relaxing us both. “Long, long story. Maybe another time.”
“I’ve got time.”
“Super long.”
“Hmm… okay, sixty seconds. Ten questions, I get to ask you anything, and that’ll satisfy my curiosity.”
He looks at his watch. “Time starts now. Who did you last date?”
What was the rule of the game? He taps on his watch, so I answer quickly.
“Date? I was engaged to a guy named Jason.”
“Why did you guys break it off?”
“It wasn’t right,” I stutter nervously.
He raises his eyebrows but does not pry any further.
“Where did you grow up?”