Page 418 of Dirty Bad Boys Box Set: Forbidden Romance Collection
“I have a sister, you know. She lives in… I think somewhere in the Midwest.”
Another piece of information that he chose to withhold like it isn’t important. Family is always important.
“What do you mean you have a sister, and she lives somewhere in the Midwest? How do you not know this information?”
“Because I don’t care.”
“Wesley, stop…” I take a deep intact of breath. “Okay, so dinner. How formal are we talking? I’m really tired and jetlagged.”
“Open your closet and see for yourself.”
I jump up with a sudden burst of energy, opening the closet to a long, black dress hanging inside. It’s gorgeous, formal yet sexy at the same time. Draping neckline—may be too low—and a sheer skirt that trains along the floor.
“I’ll pick you up at six?”
“Sure, but I’m warning you, I may fall asleep and never wake up again.”
Wesley laughs, telling me to grab some coffee because I won’t get any sleep tonight at his place. He misses me and gives me a long list of demands in the bedroom, all of which I agree to with enthusiasm.
“Oh… before you go, I have some good news. Well, semi-good news.”
“Does it involve you shaving your beard that can house a swarm of bees?”
“You’re not a fan of my beard?” he questions, light-heartedly. “I’m going for the Hagrid look. A few more weeks, and I think I’ll get there.”
“No.” I grin, half believing him. “You’re not growing that beard. It’s like me growing a full bush.”
“What if I tell you I like full bushes?”
“Then I will tell you you’re a freak and maybe need to find yourself some old European lady because that ain’t never happening with me.”
“Fine.” I could hear him smiling over the phone. “So the news…”
“Yes, your exciting news?”
“Charlie has worked her magic. It looks like we’ll be able to sue the company that stole our designs. In fact, the publici
ty will be good.”
“Oh wow! That is good news. Emerson hasn’t mentioned anything.”
I can’t blame her. The last week had been crazy and my drama only added to that craziness.
“Still early days, but it’s something,” he says, happily. “Okay, you need to get your ass ready because I’m coming for you soon.”
I giggle, quick to point out the obvious. “I’m not into anal, but glad to know you’re coming regardless.”
“Ha, ha,” he mocks. “I’m saying goodbye now.”
As I hang up the phone, admiring the black dress, I battle my fatigue and power on by grabbing myself a double-shot coffee from the kitchen to keep me awake.
Not wanting to miss another opportunity, I call Mama’s cell. Ring, after ring, unanswered. My heart sinks again, and with the time being a late Saturday afternoon, I try the main office. Delia, the receptionist, informs me that it’s only her, and the nurses are busy.
Following my disappointment, I head to the bathroom to get ready for tonight, glad that my period is over after two short days, though the cramps, annoying as usual, linger. It doesn’t matter, I will spend tonight with Wesley. He has become my safety blanket, and tonight will be all about us.
This was the second time we’ve visited his mother’s home, and the drive still intimidates me. The wealth that sits in real estate astounds me. A few weeks back, I read that these homes are worth millions of dollars. Granted, they are beautiful and nothing like the small shack we call our home back in Alaska. It’s a different world up here in the Hills.