Page 303 of Dirty Bad Boys Box Set: Forbidden Romance Collection
“You’re not getting off that easily.”
She motions her eyes across the street where a man stands with a camera taking photos of us. I smile, pretending everything’s okay then grit through my teeth asking again.
“I don’t know, Logan. Try sitting at a table hearing about the woman who’s the love of your life suddenly wanting you back.”
“C’mon.” I brush it off like it’s nothing because it is nothing. “Are you seriously believing what Ash said?”
“Why would he lie, huh?” She laughs to herself. “Why would Ash make that stuff up? You know what, don’t even answer.”
“Emerson, c’mon…” I beg her to stop.
“No, Logan. You’ve got the love of your life waiting for you. Better go find her.”
The window winds up and the cab drives away, leaving me standing alone on the sidewalk. The paparazzi run across the road, dodging traffic and almost getting run over by a bus. They demand answers to their impromptu questions, and I answer only to distract myself.
“How did it feel to win last night?”
“Is it true that Real Madrid have offered you a position next season?”
“Are you and Emerson Chase an item?”
The last question strikes a nerve. People are onto us.
I could expose our relationship, come out to the world and tell everyone how I feel about her.
But that will damage us more than it would bring good.
“She’s engaged to Wesley Chase. She’s like my sister.”
I pretend it doesn’t hurt, and that the anger doesn’t consume me while walking back to the restaurant where I’m forced to pretend Emerson Chase means nothing me.
When in reality—I’m in love with her.
Chapter Nineteen
“Another woman may have caught your eye,
but ultimately,
the heart is what matters the most.”
~ Emerson Chase.
Wes packs his final suitcase, zipping it up and placing it near the door.
I sit at the dining table, crunching numbers and emailing our lawyer about the contracts we signed for the fitness line launching in Europe. It’s tedious work and something I have been putting off. I also busy myself looking at other properties to purchase building my portfolio and branching away from Wesley.
There’s a pot of coffee beside me—cold and stale from when I made it earlier this morning.
“You know where to reach me?”
“I have your number,” I remind him, staring at this impossible equation on my screen.
“Will you be okay by yourself?”
I can hear the worry in his voice. This isn’t the first time he’s gone away for the weekend, but after what happened in London, he’s been extra protective watching my every move. He’s even made Jimmy, our bodyguard, follow me around town.
The stalker has been arrested, but nothing else can be done. He hasn’t breached any laws and the guy just needed a visit to the looney bin to regroup. Nina held bits of information from me so as to not stress me out.