Page 174 of Dirty Bad Boys Box Set: Forbidden Romance Collection
“Yes,” she responds with a smile. “If you’ve got three girls you’ve gotta learn.”
“Okay, this conversation is over,” I tell them. “So listen, can I bring Morgan to the barbecue?”
Kate claps her hands with excitement. “Yay! I finally get to meet the girl who tamed the beast.”
“Beast? Give me some credit, Kate.”
“Oh, fine. I finally get to meet the girl that stole your heart.”
I almost choke on my coffee. “No, there’s no stealing of hearts. In fact, there are no hearts involved whatsoever.” I laugh nervously.
Charlie puts down her mug and watches me sternly, along with Kate. These two women could bring a whole army down with their patronizing stares.
“Shall I tell him?” Charlie looks at Kate, goading a response. Kate nods her head, agreeing.
“Tell me what?”
“You’re falling for her, hard,” Charlie asserts.
“I am not,” I lie. “I really enjoy being with her.”
“Denial will only get you so far, Noah,” Kate adds her two cents’ worth. “So, I guess Scarlett’s out of the picture then?”
“Never say never.”
When the words leave my mouth, I instantly regret them. Scarlett is beautiful. She can charm the universe with just one smile. But I have to admit to myself, as much as it troubles me to do so, that my defense mechanism went up because I’m scared that I am falling for Morgan. I don’t even know how that feels or what it truly means. But whatever it is, I haven’t felt it before and it’s terrifying me.
“You can’t pursue Scarlett if you’re seeing Morgan.” Charlie’s quick to judge.
I grit through my words. “I’m not seeing her.”
“Then what are you doing?”
“Having fun. It doesn’t need a label.”
“Okay.” Charlie coughs. “Commitment-phobe.”
Kate’s annoying laughter bounces off the walls, the same time the doorbell chimes.
I offer to get it since the two of these women are driving me insane. I walk to the door, open it and find my mom standing with a suitcase.
She steps forward, touching my face before giving me a great big hug. I wrap my arms around her, not realizing how much I’ve missed having her around. She holds onto me for a while, and although I tower over her, her presence al
one reminds me of being back home.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, lifting her bag inside.
“An SOS call. Plus, I kinda missed ya, kid.” She smiles.
Closing the door behind her, she follows me to the kitchen. The second Charlie lays eyes on her, she jumps out of her chair and runs to Mom, holding onto her tight. The both of them look sad, almost in tears.
Really? Did someone die here? Women.
Kate introduces herself, Mom watches me with curious eyes. I shake my head and circle my finger around my ear, motioning that Kate is cuckoo.
“I can see that,” Kate says. “I’m the crazy one? I’m not the one falling in love with a movie star’s sister.”