Page 132 of Dirty Bad Boys Box Set: Forbidden Romance Collection
She shakes her head. “Eric is too self-absorbed to really notice a change. That, and he recently broke up with his boyfriend. He’s been doing his own thing of late and keeping busy with work.” She continues on, “So this guy, Dominic, he warned me from day one that he didn’t do relatio
nships, not even sexual ones. So, immediately, I jumped to the conclusion he was gay. Turned out, he owned a sex club and, well... I’ll just leave it at that.”
“You can’t just leave it at that. What kind of sex club?”
“The kind that made me uncomfortable. I understand couples exploring their sexuality and desires but I want a man to love me... to only look at me.”
It makes sense, I guess. Again, this is unfamiliar territory for me. I’ve been with plenty of women, multiple at one time. I understand how people can love each other or want to commit themselves to one person, but I know that isn’t a life I want. It’s challenging to put myself in her shoes when I’ve never wanted nor would want a woman to look at only me because then I would have to reciprocate the feeling.
“Can I tell you something, Noah?”
“Yes,” I say, kissing the top of her head to ease her pain.
“I’m embarrassed and ashamed of the things I allowed myself to do just to please him. For him to notice me…” She pauses, briefly. “I told you he didn’t do sexual relationships, but he enjoyed watching me fuck other men. That’s how he got off. Having me in his sex club, sprawled out on some bed, fucking some guy I’d never met let alone spoken a word to. Two guys, at one point.”
I’m flabbergasted. Literally speechless. I’m all for a good time, I’ve done some dirty shit, but never gotten off on watching a girl I somewhat liked fuck someone else. I want to rip this guy’s head off. Suddenly, the whole pregnancy comes to mind.
“Kate, who do you think you were pregnant by?”
Bowing her head, ashamed of her actions, she mumbles, “I don’t know. Him, maybe... we fucked a handful of times when I begged him to. Or maybe a stranger.”
I pull her in tighter, giving her the time she needs to let out her emotions. “I’ve always been proud of who I am. What I’ve achieved. But this...” she waves her hands around, “I’m disgusted with myself. Charlie thinks I only slept with him, not other men. Lex knew of Dom’s past. Warned me about what I’d be getting into. I didn’t listen. I fell in love with him. I thought I could change him because when he was alone with me toward the end, he gave me all the attention in the world.”
I state the fact, “You loved him. You wanted a relationship.”
“Yeah. But don’t worry, I know you have a rep for screwing women looking for a rebound, so thanks for tonight.” She chuckles softly, breaking the serious conversation.
“Hey! How did you know that?”
“Charlie,” she says loosely. “Apparently your mom knows your dirty secret, too.”
“My mom!” I let out a groan. “It’s not dirty. Well, sometimes it is. But for the most part, it’s just two people having fun sex.”
“Okay, so settle the rumor I heard. Hawaii last year. Boys’ trip?”
“Boys’ trip turned into fucking a sugar mama,” I admit with a smile.
“The plane ride over here?”
How in the world did she know? Charlie!
“Uh... the stewardess and the chick beside me?”
“Noah!” She laughs loudly, smacking my bicep.
“Erika initiated it to get back at her boyfriend. Ivana was just... well, a horny bitch.” When the words leave my mouth I realize how bad it makes me sound. Those women I fucked, they all had their baggage and a story to tell. What if they were just like Kate, with feelings and emotions, but carefully covering it up to prove a point to themselves that they could have sex with someone and push it all aside if only for that one time?
Argh... my head begins to pound as the alcohol wears off. Too much relationship talk.
“So basically, you prowl for women who’ve just broken up with someone?”
“I don’t prowl…” I cough. “I merely happen to be there at the right time.”
“Like some sort of sad pussy raider.” She falls into a fit of hysterics, clutching onto her stomach. “I’m surprised you’re not wearing a T-shirt underneath that dress shirt that reads ‘Mr. Rebound.’”
“Ha-ha,” I respond sarcastically. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. I’ve been pretty good in LA.”
What a big fat lie. The women here are gorgeous. Kate is no exception.