Page 67 of The Revenge Games Duet
Poppy gives me a reassuring smile from across the table, stopping the waiter to ask what the meaty-looking thing on her plate is. When she hears the word ‘heart,’ her face pales as she quickly pushes the plate aside.
I follow everyone’s lead and pull out my cell. I log into my Twitter page, posting some tweets to keep the fans engaged. Within seconds, the notifications blow up my screen and I take a few moments to answer some questions. The fans love the interaction, but on the flipside so do the trolls.
There are a dozen unread emails, mainly from our suppliers regarding the fitness line. I make a mental note to log in from home after lunch and get some work done. The demands are huge and while I have a great team, I enjoy being
hands on.
I scroll through the other unread items when a text appears at the top of my screen.
Logan: How you been, Chase?
The message from Logan comes out of nowhere. Two weeks and he doesn’t talk to me after fucking me twice in the hotel room. Part of me is angry, another part forces the Zen to spread because I have no right to be angry.
We aren’t in a relationship.
I quickly respond knowing I have only minutes before we started filming again.
Me: Hello stranger.
The bubble bounces, and there’s a quick response.
Logan: That’s all I get? C’mon, play with me.
I scan the table, everyone’s still busy minding their own business. Wesley hasn’t returned and with him gone, I type extremely fast conscious of being caught.
Me: Play with you? I got no toys to share. How exactly do you want me to play with you?
“Let’s roll, everyone,” Cliff calls from the end of the table.
Wesley’s back, settling himself in as I tuck my cell into my purse. We dive back into conversations about a potential trip to England to watch the Victoria Secret show that Farrah has front-row tickets for. The thought of traveling to England excites me. I’ve been there only once with my parents and have only poor memories of rain and grumpy hotel staff.
But it’s not only that.
Logan lives in England.
Poppy claps her hands excitedly, suggesting we visit her hometown while we’re there. Obviously, Cliff planted this idea in Poppy and Farrah’s heads making it look like a spur-of-the-moment decision. It’s the first I’ve heard of it, but the more we speak, the more excited I become.
In season one we did a trip to New York City. It wasn’t so special given that I’d been there many times before. Our second season had us vacationing in Maui, where we had the time of our lives.
England will be fantastic. Except for one thing—I’m going to be there with Wesley not Logan.
Farrah talks about all the things she has planned for us, and when the cameras focus on her and Poppy discussing the tube, I half pull out my cell and check the text from Logan.
Logan: Wherever you are, there must be somewhere you can go and privately video playing with yourself. I dare you.
I quickly re-read the text, not realizing I’m holding my breath and that the cameras are rotating between us. I shove my cell into my purse again, distracting myself in conversation before excusing myself to use the restroom.
“Emerson, can’t you wait?” Cliff asks, agitated.
“No, Cliff,” I answer in annoyance. “Excuse me.” I remove the napkin from my lap, disappearing to the back of the restaurant where I trap myself in the corner cubicle while pulling out my cell with desperation.
Me: Why must you dare me? You know I never back down.
I’ve never done anything like this. The thrill of the unknown pushes me to act spontaneously. I slide my panties off shoving them in my purse as I raise my leg and rest it on the lid of the toilet seat. Lifting my dress above my thighs, I position my phone underneath my dress, hitting the record button. Playfully rubbing myself, I close my eyes and allow the excitement to make me come in less than a minute. In no way does it compare to the times Logan made me come, but still, it rocked my body until I stop recording with my hands shaking.
Catching my breath, I hit send with the caption…
Me: You wanted to play. Here you go. Have fun.