Page 173 of The Revenge Games Duet
I heard him.
Loud and clear.
Just as I’m about to bring it up again, a woman stops where the two of us are standing. She’s quite short, though wearing high gold pumps and a slimming white beaded dress. Her hair—platinum blonde—is curled nicely and pinned to the side. I say she looks mid-forties but hard to pin-point behind the obvious plastic surgery done to her cheeks and lips.
“You must be Wesley’s girlfriend, Milana.” She extends her hand, awaiting a shake in return. I don’t know who she is or whether I should acknowledge that my real name is Milana.
I thought I’d be Anita Dick for the night?
“This is my mother,” Wesley says flatly, narrowing his eyes.
“Oh!” I grab her hand immediately to shake it. “Please to meet you Mrs…”
I draw a blank, realizing I don’t know her surname.
“It’s okay, honey, I’ve change husbands more than I have underwear. It’s Mrs. Cole. But please, call me Gina.”
“Gina.” I smile politely.
“Now, tell me, how did you both meet? Are you an actress?”
“Uh no, I’m a personal assistant.”
Her eyes pique with curiosity. “To Wesley?”
“No, Mother, to Em, if you must pry.”
“Oh, I see. Well, you look beautiful, and I really hope you enjoy the night.”
“I’m sure I will Mrs… I mean, Gina.”
Gina examines both of us, following with a fake smile. She latches onto Wesley’s arm which appears to make him uncomfortable. “Have you said hello to Carson?”
“I said I will come to support the event.”
“Wesley, don’t start now.”
The tension mounts between them, broken by the guest speaker announcing the events of the evening. We turn our focus before applause erupts and the music carries on. Wesley excuses himself to the bathroom, leaving me alone in the corner with a napkin and some shrimp. Upon my second bite, my clutch begins to vibrate, prompting me to retrieve my cell.
“Milly, what have you done?”
Phoebe’s desperation catches me off guard, forcing me to move toward a room less noisy to be able to listen properly.
“Phoebe, what are you talking about?”
“Liam, he came back home, and he’s been—”
“What, Phoebe? I don’t have time for this. Liam is a big boy,” I tell her, covering my guilt.
“Liam is a big boy? So, what Liam said is true. You’re screwing Wesley Rich? My God, Milly, have you lost your mind? You know what diseases he must carry. I can’t believe you would do this to Liam. And why didn’t you tell me about Wesley?”
“Because he’s just a friend. I don’t know what Liam’s told you, but yes, we are now in a relationship. Liam and I are over. I’m sorry I didn’t have a chance to tell you, but I don’t want to expose this just yet. It will not be good for my career. I hope you understand that.”
I can hear her breathing on the line, Phoebe’s wrath of fury ready to unleash.
“I don’t know who you are anymore. You said you wouldn’t become one of them. You cheat on your boyfriend and with the worst possible guy. Next, you’ll be snorting lines and shooting up like your new boyfriend.”
“That’s uncalled for!” A waiter walking past turns my way, quickly moving on with his head bowed. “You don’t know Wesley. Just because you read it doesn’t mean it’s true. I haven’t changed. Maybe you’ve changed. I have to go now.”