Page 10 of The Revenge Games Duet
comes evident this isn’t a joke.
“When did this happen?” Mom asks in a calmer tone, trying to disguise her shock.
Ash looks at Alessandra, thoughts passing between them, keeping the rest of us waiting impatiently. “It happened last weekend. It sorta just happened.”
“You don’t sorta get married, Ashley,” Dad grits, slamming his palm on the marble top. “You’re too young to be married.”
“I knew you’d say that.” Ash raises his voice, competing with Dad. “You had no problem when Emmy announced she was engaged… and to some dickhead she met on TV!”
“Hey,” I shout, quick to defend myself. “Don’t drag me into your mess. And thanks for thinking my fiancé is a dickhead.” I storm out of the kitchen, walking out to the backyard for fresh air. The nerve of him to throw me under the bus while he’s fucking standing in front of me. My anger refuses to subside, the air not calming the heat burning through me as the weight of Ash’s decision finally sinks in. He got married and didn’t say a word like I’m nothing and nobody to him. I can recall all the conversations we’ve had over the past week and none of them alluded to this. That’s what fucking hurts right now, my brother hid the biggest thing to happen to him from me.
I continue to walk further into the yard to stop myself from running back inside and yelling at him. My parents place sits on acres of land. I wandered over to my favorite spot—the hammock which swings between two large trees. Climbing in, I rock back and forth while staring at the sky.
We’re twins. We shared a goddamn womb for nine months. No matter how much we fight, he always has my back.
Perhaps he’s struck a nerve calling Wes a dickhead. Sure, Wes has his moments which unfortunately are caught on camera, but this isn’t about Wes, this is purely about the betrayal I feel from my own brother.
“I told you it’d send you into a tailspin.”
The sound of Logan’s voice startles me. Yet, I continue to rock back and forth, lost in a sea of thought.
“Are Mom and Dad grilling him?”
“I walked out when Chris said ‘I had more hopes for you, son.’”
“Ouch.” Poor Alessandra. “But it’s not like Ash to be so…”
“Yes.” I pull myself up, leaning on my elbows for support as I gaze directly at Logan. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s not my news to tell. Plus, I think I’m still in shock myself. Move over.”
I wriggle my body a little allowing some space for Logan to lay beside me—something we often did when we’re both angry at Ash at the same time. Except, we aren’t ten plotting to hit him with water balloons on the way to school. Though, I wouldn’t mind finding some and releasing my anger with them right now.
“So you think this is weird, too?” I ask.
He nods, placing his arms underneath his head. The bottom of his shirt lifts slightly and I do my best to avoid looking at his happy trail. Okay, his happy trail is damn sexy. I didn’t even know it was possible to think like that—isn’t a happy trail just an extension of your pubic hair?
“We walked into the bar after the game. He says ‘she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen,’ and the next morning he calls to tell me he married her.”
“What?” I sit up on my elbows again but this time in a mad rush, which causes the hammock to swing faster. “He knew her for less than a day?”
“And he has the nerve to say I’m getting married too fast.”
“Oh yeah…” Logan half-smiles. “Congratulations by the way.”
“Thanks.” I kill my curiosity by asking him for the truth. “Did you watch it?”
There’s a short silence while he gazes at the sky. He’s one of those people that when he smiles his whole face lights up, but most notably his eyes. The color of them used to freak me out—a green that sometimes changes to brown—and when I asked him how he did that he told me he was bionic, raised by robots pretending to be human.
“You know I don’t watch TV unless it’s sports.”
I’m not sure how to respond, so I choose to drop the subject of my engagement and focus on Ash. “What happens now? Is your coach mad?”
“Coach Bennett is fuming but he’s calmed a bit. He sent Ash home to tell your parents and expects us back in three days to commence training. He said ‘if this relationship ruins our game’ he’s out. No second chances.”