Page 8 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“It’s been two years, Ava. A lot has happened.”
“Oh,” I mouth. “Like what? Aside from school and work?”
He lowers his head with a knowing smirk. “You’re still as nosy as ever.”
I dig my elbow into his side while grinning. “Alone on New Year’s Eve, there can’t be anyone that special in your life.”
“The same could be said for you.”
“This is depressing.”
Austin motions for Alistair to serve us again. “It doesn’t have to be. We need to be grateful we are here, in this beautiful city.”
“Okay, now you’re really scaring me with all your positive vibes, but you know what? I will drink to that. I’ve got nothing else to lose.”
We drink to being alive, to living in Manhattan. We drink when Alistair stops serving and does a rendition of Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer”. It’s followed by Richard, aka Dick, serenading Sharon, a fellow patron who just broke up with her husband of twenty years, with an ‘80s number called “Lady In Red.”
We all become the best of friends, and as the night wears on, the pints come our way, and I don’t hesitate in drinking myself into a stupor. I sing along to the songs, surprising myself as I know the lyrics to some thanks to Eric and his love for The Spice Girls.
Alistair yells for everyone to pipe down, announcing the countdown to midnight. I grab Austin’s hand, taking him to the dance floor as we gather in a large group. At the top of our drunken lungs, we shout the countdown and yell ‘Happy New Year’ to each other.
Austin wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. “Happy New Year, Ava.”
Resting my hands on his shoulders, I stare into his eyes as we both laugh uncontrollably for no reason at all. “And to you. Who would’ve thought we’d end up here, sad and pathetic, drunk on pints while Dick tries to score with Sharon?”
“He has game.” Austin chuckles, letting out a slight cough. “As do many of the men in here. You’re quite the hit tonight.”
My shoulders shrug, then I grin. “I’m going to stay single this year, you know, be a selfish bitch and make it all about me. I’m so done with the dating scene. It’s exhausting.”
“To quote you, you do you, boo.”
I burst out laughing at how awkward Austin sounded when saying that. We’ve both had more than enough to drink, so I toy with bringing up calling Millie. If Austin is fine with saying hello, as I know Millie will be too, it seems like the perfect way to ring in the new year—close the past to bigger and better things moving forward.
“Hey, listen, would it be awkward if I call Millie? She would love to see you?”
Austin dances in front of me, lost in his own groove. He has always been a good dancer, and they always say that men who can move on the dance floor can move in the bedroom. Don’t even think it.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” he yells over the noise.
I pull him away from the dance floor to a quieter section of the bar while dialing her number, and wait for the call to connect. As soon as her face appears, I wave and yell Happy New Year. With a smile on her face, she returns the sentiments.
“So, guess who I ran into?”
Austin bumps into my side, causing me to smack his arm. He waves hello, grinning as Millie raises her brows, surprised to see him.
“Austin?” Her eyes widen as her lips curve upward into a welcoming smile. “What a small world. How have you been?”
“Busy with work…and you?”
“Same, I’m in LA now.”
Austin smiles. “Of course, it’s home.”
“Okay, we just wanted to say hello,” I interrupt, pushing him out of the way. “I love you, Millie. Give everyone my love!”
I press the button to end the call accidentally. “Oh shit!”