Page 75 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“You deserve to be spoiled.” Millie smiles, keeping her gaze fixated on me. Then, her eyes begin to glass over while she bites her bottom lip. “I’m sorry, Ava. I don’t know what came over me to treat you that way.”
I don’t even think, throwing my arms around her. Inside the familiar embrace, I hold onto her tight as I fight back the tears.
“I missed you so much, Millie,” I whisper in her ear, my words becoming strangled. “God, I’m so sorry for everything.”
We both pull away, but Millie places her hands on my stomach with a grin spreading across her face.
“Missed you too, Ava bear. More than you can ever imagine.”
Millie stopped at nothing to make the baby shower spectacular.
There is nothing she didn’t think of. Across the rooftop space are clusters of mint and white-colored balloons. The most prominent design is an arch hovering over a floral backdrop and a copper circle with Baby Shower in cursive plating.
In the corner, though large with its stature, are four wooden blocks stacked on top of each other with the letters spelled out to say, BABY.
Scattered around the floor are white rose petals, making the area a perfect backdrop for photographs. Not too far is a table covered in gifts. How the hell does a baby need so many things?
As I continue to take it all in, I’m rendered speechless at the small details Millie thought of. I lay my hand against my breastbone as my chest expands with an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. After all my sister and I have gone through over the past few months, I never expected her to shower my baby and me, especially since she’s been trying so hard for her own.
There are small tables spaced evenly for guests to sit down, and of course, each table is decorated to perfection. I desperately search for the food at the same time my stomach grumbles.
The timing is perfect. Servers walk out of the bar area, which I assume leads to a kitchen.
It’s hors d'oeuvres and small dishes, prepared and cooked by a well-known chef who works at one of the restaurants in the city which my father owns.
The servers walk around, offering each dish to the guests as well as champagne. As for me, I stick to the mocktail yet eye the champagne with jealousy, counting down the weeks until I can drink again.
Correction, months, according to Kate, who also chooses the opportunity to bring up breastfeeding.
“Ava, wait until you see how big your boobs get. They’ll look like some engorged alien head,” Kate mentions casually.
I slowly chew the food in my mouth, unsure whether to be excited about large breasts or terrified by her analogy. They have already grown, almost double my usual size, but I had no idea they will grow even bigger.
“When I was pregnant with Will, Rocky couldn’t get enough of mine. If I told you what he did when I was lactating—”
“And there goes the crème brulee,” Millie groans beside me, placing her small bowl on the table while scowling. “Please don’t finish that sentence. Thank God Will isn’t here.”
I’m glad Millie kept the guest list small. Just our family and close friends. Back in high school, I had several girlfriends, but we drifted apart over time. I’ve found it hard to find good friends for most of my life when many girls just wanted to hang out with me because my family is wealthy.
In college, I became friends with a few people, but they ended up moving back to England. We keep in touch via social media, but that’s it.
As for Gigi, who was my sidekick for many years, we had a falling out. I was sick of her getting into trouble, especially with men. She was a homewrecker, and I was always caught up in her scandalous affairs. Millie kept warning me about her, but I assumed she was just pissed because Gigi made a move on Will at the Hamptons all those years ago.
The guest who surprises me the most is Austin’s mother, Kristen. She greets me hello when I walk in, but just like I remember, she’s laid back—even looking excited about the impending arrival. I’m not sure whether she is my mother-in-law, or do you have to be married to garner the title by definition?
Married to Austin.
The word marriage onsets a string of emotions, all of which I need to suppress to get through the day. Now isn’t the time to be having these ludicrous thoughts.
Addy stands beside me, and I realize I hadn’t spotted her earlier.
“Hey, sis, sorry I’m late.”
“I was wondering where you were.” I wrap my arms around her, into a tight embrace, then slowly pull back. “Did you just fly in?”