Page 50 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“Millie, please,” I beg quietly.
Millie points her finger, keeping her chin high and lips flat. “Don’t you dare ask me for sympathy! I can’t believe you would stoop that low. I know you’re jealous of my life, but I didn’t expect you to hurt me like that.”
“I didn’t do this on purpose!” I shout in return. “You don’t understand.”
“I understand very well. You can’t get a guy of your own, so what, you go for your sister's ex. What’s next? You want to make a move on my husband too?”
I bow my head, swallowing hard to fight back the tears.
A disturbing laugh escapes her. “Yeah, I guess the real Ava comes out.”
Millie throws her napkin on the table, storming out of the room. Will doesn’t look my way, his pinched mouth and tightness in his eyes make him appear hostile. Without a word, he leaves the table, to which I assume he is looking for Millie.
Mom places her hand on my back, rubbing it softly while I bury my face into my hands.
“Austin is the father?” she questions softly.
Unable to speak, I nod, but Mom’s gentle back rub starts to calm me down enough to breathe normally again.
“It’s nothing at all like she said. I just was so upset that night after Miami and then catching Olivier with another man. Austin walked into this bar I was drowning my sorrows in. He had a rough day, too, lost a kid in ER. We were hurting and drunk so much. Neither one of us remembers the night clearly, and here we are. I would never purposely hurt Millie.
“Of course, you wouldn’t, honey,” Mom soothes. “She’s upset, understandably. But, Ava, please, you need to calm down right now. This isn’t good for you or the baby. And nothing changes what I said earlier. We will support you no matter what.”
As I glance over at Dad, I sense his disappointment. He hasn’t said a word since asking me who the father is, nor has he made eye contact. When I turn away, guilty for causing him this pain, he excuses himself, then walks away in silence.
“He hates me,” I utter.
“Your father will never hate you. Let him process the news. His little girl just told him she’s pregnant, and the circumstances may not exactly have been what he envisioned for you.”
Mom has a point. I need to give him space even though a small part of me prayed for some miracle, hoping everyone would be happy with the news.
“How did Austin take the news?” Alexa asks, only realizing now the severity of the situation. “I always liked him. He was a nice guy.”
“Angry, upset, denial. How many more emotions can I describe?”
Mom places her hand on mine. “I’m sorry you felt you needed to go through this alone. I wish you’d told me earlier.”
Addy offers to clear the table and wash up, to give Mom and me some alone time. When Alexa doesn’t get the hint, Addy raises her voice at Alexa to get off her ass. Addy encourages Ashton to join them, and he happily does so, too little to understand what just happened.
When the two of us are alone, I let it all go.
“Honestly, Mom. I don’t know who I am anymore. The last few months have been this blur, and I don’t even know how I got here.”
“One day at a time, that’s all you should worry about now,” Mom assures me. Her concern for my well-being is not lost on me. I should have told her earlier rather than go through this alone.
“Austin wanted to be here, but I thought it was best to keep him out of this.”
“We would love to see him again when you’re both ready.”
“How am I going to do this, Mom?” I sputter, momentarily beyond words. “Be a single mother? Austin wants to help, and I know he’s going to be a great dad, but this is for a lifetime.”
“You will do it because you have no choice. No matter what I say, it can’t prepare you for motherhood, but just know we’re here to help.”
I fall into her embrace at the same time Addy comes back in and tells me Millie is leaving.
The slam of the front door startles us. I push my chair out, then run to the front to hear the engine start. Mom joins me when Will walks back in, unable to look me in the face.
“I think it’s best we leave, Charlie.”