Page 121 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“Perfect day for a wedding,” I tell him with a smile. “You both look very happy.”
“I am.” Austin grins while appearing relaxed. “We are.”
I extend my arms as Austin takes his daughter. She stirs slightly, but he gently rocks her.
“Goodnight, princess,” I whisper, stroking her hair.
Austin checks on her, and she’s fallen asleep again.
“Lex? I just wanted to tell you I made a decision.”
“Oh?” I cross my arms, raising my brows with curiosity. “What’s that?”
“I’ve decided to go ahead with cardiothoracic surgery. Ava and I had a lengthy discussion, weighing up the pros and cons but it’s something I want to do. I know it’ll be a long road ahead, but Ava is supportive, and that’s all that matters.”
I nod, proud of this kid for following his dreams.
A dream I once had.
“I’m proud of you, son.” I beam with pride. “We’re both here if you need us, and if you need help with Emmy or anything. We’re all in this together.”
“I know,” he says with a knowing grin. “I think you said that to me when I tried to marry your other daughter?”
We both laugh as Ava and Addison join us. Ava has stayed in her wedding dress, a beautiful laced gown Adriana designed especially for her.
“Did he tell you, Dad? My husband is going to be a heart surgeon. A mender of broken hearts. If that’s not a tagline, I don’t know what is.”
“Put it on my business card.” Austin smirks, then tilts his head to kiss Ava’s cheek. “I’m going to take Emmy to bed. Addy, control your sister. She and Will have hit up the tequila, and I don’t want to deal with hungover Ava on a flight to Aspen tomorrow.”
As Ava and Austin both walk toward the house, Addison nods, only for Ava to laugh at something really loud, then join Will at the poker table Rocky has set up.
“Here’s the rule, no dicks out,” Rocky warns with a serious tone. “Tits are welcomed.”
“That’s so crass,” Amelia tells him. “And sexist.”
Addison sits beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder instead of stopping her sister from drinking. We watch on as Austin returns, and Noah makes him drink a shot. There’s more laughter and more rounds of shots.
“Two down, two more daughters to go.”
I chuckle softly, kissing the top of Addison's head.
“Between you and me, I always knew Amelia and Ava would end up here. Maybe not with the people they’re with, but still here.”
“Really?” Addison questions. “So, what are your predictions for me?”
I purse my lips, thinking quietly. Addison is different from her sisters. Growing up, she loved playing sports but was a quiet achiever at the same time. She excelled in her studies, so it didn’t surprise us when she wanted to study for a degree in psychology. Of all the girls, she is the only sane one, never bringing a boy or boys home. From what Charlotte says, Addison isn’t one to focus on her love life. I’ve even heard her older sisters tease she’s still a virgin.
The perfect daughter.
“I think you are going to graduate and make me proud.”
“I promise you, Dad. I’ve watched my sisters enough to know that being on my own is exactly what I want. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on myself.”
“You’re right, Addison,” I say, then gently warn. “But no matter how intelligent you are, when love strikes, it’s a force to be reckoned with.”
Addison laughs, releasing a shallow sigh. “Since when did the great Lex Edwards become an advocate for love?”
I watch her from across the garden, my beautiful wife, Charlotte.