Page 118 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
Thankfully, Ashton is too busy trying to tickle Emmy, who’s giggling every time he digs his tiny fingers into her chin.
“Is this true?” I turn to Austin.
“I mean, look, yes. Unfortunately, some women aren’t gifted in that area,” is all Austin says.
Addy smacks Wills hand again, grabbing the last Lucky Charm. When she finally wins, she joins in the conversation. “I guess in comparison, it’s like a man having an ugly penis.”
“What does an ugly penis look like?” Alexa asks while scowling.
Everyone turns to look at me. Then, with an inward gaze, my lips press flat.
“I have no idea why you all just looked at me. You should respect my fiancé, who is standing right beside me.”
Austin almost snorts, his smug face not running to my defense at all. “C’mon, Ava. You were the wildest one here. Even I know that. Surely, in your younger days, you’ve encountered one.”
My eyes glare at him as I cross my arms in defiance. “Listen, this isn’t exactly how I expected to spend Christmas Eve with my family.”
Everyone laughs, and it’s impossible for me not to join in. So what if I slept with a fair few men in my younger years? It’s not like Austin and Will were saints. Millie is a commitment girl. As for Addy, I’m still not sure what is happening with her since she never talks about any man like ever.
And well, Alexa, she isn’t a virgin but clearly hasn’t encountered an ugly penis yet.
“Where are the parentals?” Millie asks.
“They went to the cellar together to get a bottle of wine,” I muse.
“Oh, God.” Millie shakes her head with a grimace. “I don’t want to know.”
“I dare any of you girls to go down and find them,” Will challenges.
“Hell no, from me,” I blurt out. “I’m still scarred from that time I snuck in late after a party and heard mom say ‘Daddy’, followed by a disturbing giggle.”
Millie shudders. “More so than ‘spread your legs, Charlotte. I need to taste you.’ Huh?”
“Um, how about, ‘turn around and give me that ass now,’ then you hear the sound of a slap,” Addy complains, flinching.
We all groan. My parents are the worst, but then, we all turn to look at Alexa.
“Why are you all looking at me?” She releases a huff, and before she says anything, my parents walk back in with a bottle of wine.
Mom’s cheeks look red, and I could’ve sworn she had her hair parted to the left, not centered, earlier on. As for Dad, he seems rather pleased with himself.
“Everyone is here, so what are we discussing? Hopefully, we dropped our earlier discussion?”
“Actually, Mom,” I say, Austin lowering his head with a smirk, the same as Will. “Alexa will tell you.”
“Argh, I hate being the youngest…”
As we all laugh, even though my parents have no clue why we’re laughing, I can’t help but thank the Universe for blessing me with every single person in this room.
For my parents, my sisters, my brother-in-law, and my nephew.
And of course, my soon-to-be husband in just over a week and our little girl.
Emerald Charlotte Edwards-Carter.
Also, for teaching me how fairy tales may endure heartache but how they should end.
Happily ever after.