Page 117 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“Something like that.” Dad smiles, then follows with, “Eventually, you could move into your own practice. It is Beverly Hills, after all.”
I laugh as everyone watches me with curiosity. “As long as he’s not a plastic surgeon. Boobs and vaginas all day long? No thanks.”
“They do make an awful lot of money, Ava,” Dad teases.
Mom furrows her brows. “Why on earth would they be looking at vaginas?”
“Haven’t you heard?” I question with a sneer. “It’s the latest trend. Vaginal reconstruction.”
Both Addy and Alexa walk into the kitchen, no doubt smelling the food.
“What’s going on?” Addy asks, grabbing a bowl and dumping some Lucky Charms in there even though we’re yet to eat. “Sorry, I’m starving and need something small to tie me over.”
“Mom didn’t know vaginal reconstruction is the latest trend.”
Addy presses her lips flat, unimpressed with this conversation.
“Oh, yeah,” Alexa says while grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator. “A few of my friends have got it done.”
“What exactly did they get done?” Mom questions.
“Labia tightening. Just makes it look less creepy.”
Austin hides his smirk at the same time. Dad pinches the bridge of his nose, then groans.
“This is what I get for living in a house full of women. Labia reconstruction before dinner.” His tone is less than pleased, and his smile from before disappears as our conversation takes a nosedive. “Now, if I can pass off my princess, I’ll fetch that bottle of wine from the cellar.”
“Do you need help?” Mom asks, eyeing Dad as he hands Emmy to Austin. “A few bottles were moved, so you may not find it.”
“Always, Mrs. Edwards.”
My parents disappear as Will, Millie, and Ashton come through the back door. Millie is starting to show, the bump looking so cute on her. It makes me miss being pregnant and the newborn phase. Emmy is close to four months now and getting chubby. But then, I remember how Mom said this would happen. I shake my head, willing these crazy thoughts to stop.
Ashton runs to Austin, desperate to see Emmy. He’s so excited to be a big brother, telling everyone his mommy has a baby girl inside, too, although they have decided not to find out the sex of the baby.
“What’s happening, people?” Will asks, digging his hand into the bowl and scooping up Addy’s Lucky Charms, much to her annoyance.
“We were discussing how labia reconstructions are really hot right now,” I tell them.
“It is?” Millie asks.
“Yeah, we’re trying to convince Austin to get into plastic surgery,” Alexa casually mentions. “It’s a moneymaker.”
“First of all, we weren
’t convincing him. If anything, I said yes to any other specialty but not anything that’s got to do with boobs or vaginas.”
“So, wait a minute.” Millie raises her hand. “What are they doing to the labia?”
Alexa continues her story of her friend, Ella, who had it done only recently. She goes into detail about the excess tissue being removed from the enlarged labia minora or majora.
“It makes sense,” Will deadpans, with a mouth full of cereal.
Millie places her hands on her hips. “How does it make sense?”
“Well, frankly, no man likes an ugly pussy.”
“William Rockford Romano, I can’t believe you just said that in front of our son,” Millie berates him.