Page 112 of The Trouble With Him: A Secret Pregnancy Romance (The Forbidden Love 3)
“It always does, Ava bear.”
Will follows me to the living room, where we both take a seat on the sofa. He’s talking to Emmy, and who would have thought a billionaire could be so smitten with a baby.
“Will, are you angry with what those media outlets posted?” I ask, though fully aware I am stepping into treacherous waters. “You know, what they said about Austin and Millie, plus those pics. You trust your wife, right?”
“Yes, I trust my wife,” he answers without hesitating. “I’m not pleased with the lies and have my legal team investigating who was behind this. But also, I have a pregnant wife who doesn’t need any stress in her life. So, if that means I need to suppress my anger, then that’s what I will do.”
I admire Will for remaining so calm since he is usually the opposite of calm. He’s come a long way from the controlling billionaire who came back into our lives seven years ago, but I guess this is the power of love. It’ll change you no matter how much you think it won’t.
“I’m really happy for both of you,” I say with ease. “Ashton finally gets a brother or sister. It’s so much fun having a sibling.”
Will chuckles, his entire face lighting up. “It’s hard for me to relate. Beau was born when I was already a teenager. The closest thing I had to siblings was you and Amelia.”
“Oh, that sounds so wrong.” I laugh too. “You know, because you married her.”
As we both take a deep breath to come down from the laughter, Will glances my way with a relaxed grin.
“Why don’t we go for a walk? It’s a nice afternoon.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea we get seen together, not after today and everyone assuming we’re involved in some partner swap. Besides, the paparazzi are outside.”
“So?” he questions with slight annoyance. “Are you going to stop living your life because of other people? Since when have you ever done that? If anything, you’ve always lived your life for yourself.”
“Okay, fine. Can I at least get changed, so I don’t look like an overtired mother?”
“Whatever makes you happy.”
I quickly get changed into something a bit nicer—a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a white knitted sweater. Before we leave, I change Emmy into a onesie, and bring the blanket which belonged to Austin, to cover her. I decide to use the carrier instead of the stroller, wanting to keep her close to me. She’s still small, and the weather has cooled of late. The last thing I need is Emmy getting sick, especially because she was born prematurely.
We walk down the street, talking about the city, and of late, how it’s changed. Will has always been a Manhattan boy, born and bred on the Upper East Side. But his move to LA for Millie has definitely been a positive change though you can’t deny he still misses being here.
“This place will never leave you,” I tell him wistfully.
“No, it never will. I’m glad we kept our brownstone here for when we stay. Probably the best decision we made.”
“You’ve both made it work just like Mom and Dad. You’ve both sacrificed and compromised at the same time.”
Will lowers his head, his movements slowing. “You know, Ava, if this is about Austin…”
I shake my head. “This is about me, Will. For the first time in my life, I have two people who have become my entire world. So it’s not just about what I want. It’s about what’s best for everyone, not Ava Edwards and her selfish needs.”
“So, what’s the answer?”
“I miss my family. I don’t want Emmy growing up without her grandparents or cousins.”
“Move to LA then.”
I lower my eyes, knowing what I’m about to say can go two ways. After all, we are talking about Will Romano here. “I won’t go without him, Will.”
Will rubs his chin, then looks toward the sky. “I don’t think you have to.”
My glance focuses on Will’s serious expression as something passes between us. He stops here on the sidewalk, and as I look around, the surroundings look familiar. I’ve been here before, an odd memory of laughing while walking down this very street. And then, I turn to see the building.
“This pub is where—”
“Where you and Austin spent Ne