Page 95 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
There is no greater feeling than watching your father and boyfriend finally resolve their issues.
I’d been somewhat dreading our trip back home, unsure of how Dad would react. He never said we couldn’t visit as a couple, but he didn’t exactly welcome us either. His choice of staying quiet on the subject had left me uneasy, yet his part in the takeover was a sign of better times to come.
When Will asked Mom of Dad’s whereabouts, I did my best to reassure him it will be okay. However, inside—I was panicking. The two men are both as stubborn and egotistical as each other—one of the many things they had in common.
It wasn’t just resolving their fall out over me; they have business ties too.
The entire time they sat in the office, I almost ate a whole red velvet cake Mom had baked. In my defense, it was delicious, and something about the chocolate calmed the nerves eating away at me.
Finally, during a conversation over Addison’s new boyfriend, who Mom didn’t exactly approve of, Will and Dad walk into the kitchen while discussing work, of course.
I didn’t care if they wanted to work all day, flopping back into my chair and finally able to relax knowing they reconciled. Neither one said anything, but their expressions were enough to tell me all in the world is well again.
My glance shifts toward Will, noting how at ease he appears. Even Dad looks happy, something I never imagined seeing again with Will inside the same room. As for Mom, she doesn’t hold back her joy, unable to stop grinning while we joked over Ava's tragic love life.
However, in the presence of my parents, I wasn’t sure if kissing Will is acceptable. It was still all new, and I sensed Will felt the same. As they say goodbye, I give him a quick peck on the cheek, not wanting to push boundaries just yet.
With the two of them retreating to the office to work, Mom suggests we head to Aunt Adriana’s for lunch. Their house is only ten minutes away, giving us some time to chat.
“How do you feel?” Mom asks, looking relieved.
“Of course, I’m happy they’re on speaking terms again, but I guess I’m still trying to get used to being back together with Will. It’s only been a week, and we haven’t stopped to catch a breath.”
“I remember when your father and I first got back together. It was the same. We both had demanding careers, plus I was pregnant with you. Your father technically lived in London. I lived in Manhattan. There was a lot of adjusting and compromising.”
“How did you end up in LA then?”
“Your father had a business opportunity, and I wasn’t comfortable raising a child in the city. Rocky and Nikki did it with ease, but it wasn’t for me. I grew up in California in a house with a backyard. I wanted the same for my children. But also, your grandparents were considering moving, so that made the decision final.”
“And Eric?”
“Please, Hollywood?” Mom sneers while raising her brows. “There was no need to convince him.”
Mom pulls her SUV into the driveway. We exit the car and knock on the door; Aunt Adriana answers in an off-the-shoulder red floral dress. As usual, she looks terrific. Although she had similarities to Dad, being they are siblings, she is a very beautiful woman with defined features making her even more unique.
She ushers us in but
quickly pulls Mom aside, needing some legal advice for a friend of hers going through a divorce with four kids. Something about a wandering dick came out, which was my cue to leave.
I walk through the house and toward the kitchen to find Uncle Julian inside on his laptop. He stands up to greet me with a hug, dressed in a sports top, shorts, and sneakers.
I take a seat across from him with ease, always enjoying my conversations with him.
“How is Yale going?” he asks, pouring me a drink.
“Good, hard, challenging.” I sigh, then chuckle softly. “I’m trying to stay focused and reach the end.”
“I remember my days at Harvard. I used to think the same.”
“Andy and Ava are so lucky to have graduated and to be following their dreams,” I confess, wishing sometimes I wasn’t chained to studying. “Andy is so excited about the trip to South America, especially Brazil.”
Uncle Julian shakes his head while laughing. “Yes, I may need to take him down a notch. I’m not sure what he’s expecting when we get to Brazil, but it isn’t the land of supermodels.”
“Don’t burst his bubble.” I laugh along with him. “I almost did, and it didn’t end well. It was the night I ran into Will. We both drank way too much. I don’t even know how Andy made it home. I guess we’re just as bad as each other.”