Page 86 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
The three of us break out in laughter, only managing to calm down shortly after.
“You’re welcome to stay here,” I remind her.
“I promise I won’t cramp your style,” she tells us, a little too eagerly. “I have these new headphones which are supposed to be top of the range noise reduction. I won’t hear a single thing, so you can go at it hard.”
“How about we order pizza because you’re giving Will the green light to go at it hard. He will hold me to that, and I’ll never eat again.”
Will nods with a playful smirk. “You know me too well.”
His phone begins to ring again. I point toward my bedroom, in which he excuses himself. The second he is gone; Liesel practically jumps on me.
“Oh. My. God,” she squeals. “Tell me everything!”
“I wouldn’t know where to begin, so for now, all you need to know is that yes, we are back together. I love him. He loves me. We have amazing sex. The end.”
Liesel purses her lips while placing her hand on her hip. “That was the most uneventful description of what happened. Coffee tomorrow on campus, and you tell me everything, deal?”
“Deal.” I smile.
We ordered the pizzas, all three of us famished. Both Will and I call it a night, leaving Liesel on some dating app which keeps her entertained.
With only the bedside lamp turned on, I snuggle into his arms.
“I’ve got three more lectures this week then I’m officially on summer break.”
“Lucky you,” he muses, toying with the strap of my tank. “I hope that summer break involves staying in the city?”
“Why yes, it does, sir,” I joke playfully. “I’m working for Nikki all summer. It was planned last year. I really want to gain practical experience. There is only so much you can learn in college.”
“Have I told you how proud I am of you?”
I keep my smile fixed. “Hmm…I don’t think so.”
“Well, I am. You’ve chosen a challenging career, and not many people can weather the storm of an undergraduate degree then continue for another four years. You are going to do great things once you graduate.”
“Thank you. To be honest, it feels like a lifetime away.”
“But once you’re there, it’ll be worth the hard work you’ve endured.”
“I guess you would know,” I say, kissing his hand. “I mean, look at you. You’re something else. I know a little bit about the business world to know how well your company is doing. And to think that started with you.”
“Yes, it did. Your father had a lot to do with it,” he resigns.
“Speaking of my father, I promised to visit home this weekend. It’s the only
four days I can get off before work begins.”
I feel him tense in my embrace. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“I’ve been preoccupied,” I admit, slightly annoyed at his anger. “It’s only four days.”
“And you expected me to drop everything to come with you?”
I shuffle in a sitting position, crossing my arms. “Actually, I wasn’t sure where we stood with that and assumed you wouldn’t want to go. But since we’re having this conversation, we might as well say what needs to be said.”
“And that is?”
“I want you to come with me, but I’m not the one angry at my father. The truth is, Will, both of you and need to come to some sort of truce if we are going to work. I’ve done my part. I’ve apologized but also stood my ground with what I want in my future. He knows exactly where I stand and that I love you. But it’s not my job to repair your relationship with him. You need to do that because you want to do it, and vice versa for him.”