Page 47 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
“All work, no play?”
I half-smile at her comment. “Something like that.”
Gigi is gorgeous. I won’t deny that. And perhaps in a different lifetime, I would have had my way with her. But my head is less than interested, merely entertaining her flirtatious behavior because it seems to goad some sort of reaction from Amelia.
Perhaps it is petty of me to play such immature games, but clearly—it worked.
Gigi is anything but subtle with her intentions, inviting me back to her room. But I refuse, for now, letting her down gently. With Amelia nowhere to be seen, I laugh with Gigi as she mentions my father making some crude comment and then excuse myself when the curiosity begins to eat away at me.
It’s almost as if my mind won’t settle with unfinished business on the table or because I need to see Amelia to fuel my addiction. Either way, sitting here next to Gigi will accomplish absolutely nothing.
The property is large enough to be able to lose yourself in. I turn the corner of a large maple tree to see Amelia sitting at the wooden picnic table. Her head is bowed, buried between a book she appears to be engrossed in. My footsteps are soft against the freshly cut lawn as I walk toward her.
On closer inspection, her head is resting in her hand while she reads quietly, and unbeknown to her, there is a small pout of her lips, something I remember so fondly.
“Reading on vacation?” I question softly, not to startle her.
Amelia raises her eyes, yet her expression is unreadable. She has covered up with a cream knitted cardigan, but still wears her bikini beneath it. I beg my eyes to ignore her tits and just how sexy her body is. Yet, the fact it is exposed straight down the middle makes it hard to resist temptation.
Keep your dick in check, Romano.
“Studying, actually. I needed to clear my head.” The moment she says it, her brows draw together as if she regretted saying she needed to clear her head. It appears, just like me, we were both struggling with today no matter how we tried our best to be amicable.
I raise the book to view the title, then place it down again. Without even asking, I take a seat across from her.
“How is law school?”
“Challenging, but I love it. It’s been a real eye-opener working for Nikki. There’s still so much I need to learn. I mean, your mom is a shark. She never lets anything, or one, get to her.”
I nod with a knowing smile. “Mom is tough, so is Charlie.”
Amelia purses her lips, but I can see something else is bothering her as she is unusually quiet. I remember how hard college life was. Sure, there were parties, but the transitional aspect of those years leaves much doubt. You never really know if you’re following the right path.
“You’ll graduate with your law degree and feel like time has flown. College feels like a lifetime ago, yet I remember how much it dragged, and I just wanted to graduate already.”
“That’s how I feel now,” she admits, letting out a sigh. “I spend most of my time studying or working. Even this weekend is hard to adjust for me. I’m used to being alone most days, especially since I moved out and Liesel moved on with a boyfriend. For the first time in my life, it’s like I am forced to listen to myself because there is no one else’s noise around me to distract my own thoughts.”
“Solitude is a blessing and a curse. Honestly, you get used to it somewhat, but I will agree, it is hard to adjust to all the noise again when you’re amongst a group, especially a family as large as ours.”
Amelia raises her eyes to meet mine, the emerald-green stare stirring mixed emotions within me. “Sorry, I’m just rambling now.”
“Don’t be sorry,” I tell her, softening my expression. “I’d like to think we had more than just a sexual relationship all those years ago. I miss the conversations we used to have.”
“Yeah.” She grins, her entire face lightening up. “Me too.”
Amelia closes her book, resting her hands on top.
“So, you live on your own?”
She hesitates, then nods. “I have been, for a few months.”
“And your…” I clear my throat, debating whether to mention it but why the fuck not? I need to know just how intense this so-called engagement is. Considering Amelia is here alone, I know for a fact that if she were mine, I would never leave her side. “Fiancé?”
“Austin lives in Manhattan,” she informs me though she keeps her tone firm. “He’s studying medicine, so it’s best for him to be next to the campus.”
“And does he know I am here?”
“Will, what does it matter?” she resigns, shoulders slumping. “If I tell him, he’ll get annoyed and think I lied. So, either way, I can’t win.”