Page 43 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
Will clears his throat, breaking his gaze. “Plans changed.”
“Um, okay,” I mumble, unsure what to say since our last encounter didn’t end well.
“Look, Amelia, I’m here for my dad, and that is it. I’m not here to get in your way, in fact, you probably won’t see me much.”
“No.” I shake my head, suddenly disappointed. “I want to see you. In fact, come hang out with us at the pool. Just like old times.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I be sure? Just because we dated years ago, doesn’t mean we can’t get along for the weekend, for the sake of family.”
“If you say so.” He hands me back the bowl with a delicious smirk on his lips. I can’t seem to pull myself away, drawn to the memory of them kissing every inch of my body. “I’m going to get changed.”
“I’m going to grab more drinks. I’ll see you by the pool.”
He disappears down the corridor as I continue to stand frozen on the spot. I didn’t plan for Will to be here this weekend, nor did I plan to invite him to hang out with us. What the hell am I thinking? Being friends with him is not as easy as I play it out in my head.
But just because feelings still lingered, it doesn’t make it a love triangle as Eric so eloquently put it.
The feelings are resurfacing because once upon a time, we shared our lives with one another and with that, we created untouchable memories.
We built a special type of bond and our friendship grew with it.
So, yes—I miss Will.
I miss the friendship we once had. And there’s nothing wrong with that, nor should I feel guilty. My relationship with Austin is not in jeopardy.
Yet even I knew deep down inside if I allowed myself a moment of truth, part of what Eric said is right.
Denial is a curse in itself.
How long I am able to keep lying to myself, I am yet to find out.
My skin is flushed, traces of pink and red on my normally even skin, almost like I stepped out of a scalding hot bath.
I walk toward the kitchen where Mom and Aunt Adriana are busily chatting while drinking some cocktail. Jessa mentioned not long ago Kate and Nikki were heading out to pick up a few things.
“Are you okay? Why are you bright red? Is it Eric’s tanning lotion because I swear whatever is in that is not legal,” Aunt Adriana questions before she narrows her eyes, then offers a deep sigh. “Oh, sorry. I just kind of put two and two together. My brain is slow when I’ve been drinking.”
“Will was just in here,” Mom concludes with a half-smile.
“Look, we’re both adults and still family,” I tell them both, drawing a breath. “Why should we be awkward around each other just because we dated? I mean, you’re fine around Uncle Julian.”
The second it leaves my mouth, I begin to scold myself. It was insensitive for me to mention it. “Sorry, Aunt Adriana, I didn’t mean to sound so…”
Aunt Adriana laughs softly. “Amelia, relax. It’s fine now, and I’m sure Charlie will say the same. But yes, once upon a time it wasn’t easy to all be in the same room as each other. We’ve come a long way since then.”
“We have,” Mom agrees, taking the jug from me and refilling it. “Just enjoy yourself this weekend. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to act a certain way. You do you, boo.”
I let out an obnoxious laugh. “Mom, did Ava teach you that?”
“Alexandra, but I suspect it did a full circle from Ava.”
The three of us laugh before I let out a heavy sigh. “Why is there so much stigma around ex-lovers and relationships.”