Page 33 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
Neither Dad nor Austin breathes a word. They know better than to get involved in our arguments.
“So, I got some great news today, which is why I wanted to come here and share with you guys first, although heads up, Mom already knows.”
“What is it?” Dad asks cautiously.
“As you know, I’m launching a new lifestyle brand soon. The website is complete, and our marketing campaign is almost finalized. We just need a few stand-out pieces, including pictures for our launch,” Ava says with a proud smile. “A client of mine, Elle Rayven, is lending us her Hamptons house for the shoot.”
“The Rayven estate?” Dad questions with a knowing smile. “Your mother fell in love with the estate years ago. Jonathan Rayven, the owner back then, refused to sell.”
“Hmm, that’s Elle’s father, I think.” Ava pulls back slightly, tugging the bottom of her lip. “I don’t blame Mom. I’ve Googled the place, and it is breathtaking. So, anyway, I was late because I was chatting to Aunt Nikki about hosting Uncle Rocky’s birthday there. The only catch is, it’s next weekend. A few weeks earlier than his actual birthday.”
“I’m in LA next weekend,” Austin informs Ava, a heavy sigh escaping him. “I’d bail, but it’s my sister’s birthday, and I promised to come back home.”
All eyes turn to me. I begin to pinch the skin between my thumb and forefinger, trying to distract the thoughts coming to mind. Quickly, I come up with an excuse. “It’s kind of close. I have a paper due.”
“Can’t you finish the paper earlier?” Ava insists, staring at me avidly.
“I can try,” I mumble, lowering my gaze, only to lift it moments later, hoping she can read between the lines.
Ava’s expression shifts, and I’m sure she’s figured why I’m apprehensive.
“What about you, Dad?” Ava turns to him, clutching onto his arm. “It won’t be the same unless you and Mom are there.”
“I’ll speak to your mother, but I’m sure we can make it work if she doesn’t have court hearings.”
“Can you leave the brats behind?” Ava drags, half-jokingly.
Dad shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “Addison has finals, so I don’t think she’ll make it. As for Alexandra, I’m sure Grandma can stay for a few days and take care of her.”
“She’s not a kid, Dad,” I snort, trying to defend my youngest sister. “You realize she’s a teenager?”
“Yes, a teenager who is not responsible enough to be at home by herself. Do you know what happens when you’re the baby of the family?”
A smirk plays on my lips. “Enlighten us, Dad?”
“You are spoiled by your mother.”
This time, Ava snorts. “Like you’re a saint in all this. You’re worse than Mom.”
“It’s true, Dad,” I tell him while nodding in agreeance. “You spoil Alexandra so much. I feel like I got the worst end of the stick being the firstborn.”
Dad crosses his arms, his face less than pleased on our unified attack of his parental skills.
“Who else is coming?” I ask, bringing the conversation back to the weekend.
Ava drops her eyes to her phone and reads a list of names. “Rocky, Nikki, but no Beau because he’s in Germany for some soccer thing. Andy, Luna, Adriana, and Julian. Willow is staying with a friend.” Ava lets out a breath, then continues, “Kate and Noah, oh and Jessa and Nash. Sienna is also staying back. And, of course, Eric. Tristan is filming in the Bahamas, so it’s just him.”
“If Eric is there, brace yourselves,” Dad warns us.
“I don’t know why you keep saying that?” Ava points out, scrunching her face. “Eric is so tame.”
“You didn’t know him back then.”
“Wait,” I say, trying to calculate numbers in my head. “How big is this house?”
“Oh…” Ava nods with a wide grin. “It is big.”
“And is that all who is coming?” Austin questions with a playful smile. “Are your influencer friends going to be there?”