Page 28 of The Trouble With Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle (The Forbidden Love 2)
I shrug my shoulders half-heartedly. “Aside from the ring? Not really. We both agreed not to rush into planning a wedding, especially this year because we’re so busy.”
“No wonder your dad gave his blessing,” Liesel snorts, taking a sip of coffee. “Speaking of your dad, how is the sexy old fella?”
“Can you not with the word sexy and my dad in the same sentence?”
“I guess I shouldn’t tell you what the girls in the office think about him?”
My nose wrinkles as I shake my head in disgust. “Um, no. I really don’t want to know.”
“There’s a photo of him online in gray sweatpants,” she blurts out, unapologetic.
I close my eyes while pursing my lips, willing this conversation to disappear. “Listen, if you want to have this conversation, call my mom. But for the love of God, never discuss my dad in sweatpants. I have seriously lost my appetite for coffee, and you know I love coffee.”
Liesel throws her hands up in the air calling defeat. “Okay, no more Lex Edwards talk. What else is happening with you?”
“I got into an argument with Ava this morning.”
“What’s new?” Liesel retorts. “Over what this time?”
“Just stuff…with Will.”
Liesel stops all movement, her eyes focusing on me with a surprised expression.
“Are we back to discussing Will? I thought the subject was closed on him?”
“It was closed,” I say, lowering my voice while running the tip of my finger along the rim of the cup. “Until I saw him again.”
“Wait a minute.” Liesel r
aises her hand in a flurry. “We’ve been sitting here for fifteen minutes. During that time, you let me go on about my sexy boss, and your dad’s big dick, only to drop this bombshell on me now?”
I shake my head, letting out a groan. “I’m going to ignore the comment about my dad. Yes, I ran into Will. It was not planned. It caught us both by surprise.”
“And?” she begs, leaning forward. “How did he look?”
“Hmmm, the same. Older, maybe. I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Liesel questions with an amused expression. “You are telling me you did not look at him long enough to form an opinion of how he looked?”
“He looked beautiful, okay?” The words come out but do nothing to ease the guilt eating away at me. “There’s more…”
Placing her cup down, Liesel presses her fist to her mouth, waiting in anticipation.
“I got drunk, sent a text which apparently prompted him to come get me from the bar. I woke up at the Four Seasons, and I haven’t heard from him since.”
“You woke up at the Four Seasons?”
“Nothing happened. That’s what he texted me.”
Liesel lets out a long-winded sigh. “So, this fight with Ava?”
“She thinks Will is the love of my life, and I can’t let go. She said no matter what bad things I do, Will always rescues me.”
“Well…” Liesel drags, prompting me to watch her with an unrelenting stare. “He does seem to have the tendency to find you when you’re less than sober. Take, for instance, that night of your nineteenth birthday.”
“One night,” I remind her. “So, he’s a little protective?”
“Is he the love of your life?”