Page 46 of The Trouble With Love: An Age Gap Romance (The Forbidden Love 1)
“I didn’t want her getting the wrong idea.”
“The wrong idea?” He tilts his head to the side, raising his eyebrows. “Exactly what idea do you think she’d get?”
“I don’t know, okay? We’re not exactly of the same age, and I didn’t want her reading any more into it.”
Will moves closer to me, motioning for me to sit on the sofa as he plonks himself on it.
“Just because we’re together, doing things, doesn’t mean we’re fucking each other.”
The thought alone causes my eyes to widen and cheeks to burn unwillingly. There’s no denying that Will is incredibly sexy, but my thoughts are wild and uncalled for. Plus, I’m sure he looks at me like some annoying kid.
“I guess you’re right.”
“Maybe you should call her back, let her know you’re with me?” he notes with dark amusement.
Only now, I realize that he’s poking fun at the situation. The devious smirk plays on his lips as he grabs the remote. Leaning forward, I punch his arm like I’d done many times before.
“Ow, what’s that for?” He scowls.
“You’re being a jerk.”
“A jerk you want to fuck? Is that why you’re upset?”
With a pinched expression, I sigh heavily. “You think very highly of yourself. Do you know that? Let’s say I do need to fuck. What makes you think that you, out of all people, would even know how to satisfy me?”
Will shakes his head with a hard smile. “Sweetheart, I’d make you fall to your knees. I’m certain that ex of yours wasn’t able to, hence, why you’re no longer together.”
The nerve of him to think that I broke up with Austin because the sex wasn’t any good. The sex was great, fantastic even. Though logically, I had been with only one man, so perhaps the jerk in front of me has somewhat of a point. Is sex supposed to be even better than that?
“I think we need to watch something on TV and pretend this conversation never existed.”
Still staring at the screen with a beguiled expression, we begin to argue over what to watch. Every movie he likes, I despise. Our heated debate of genre, tropes, and actors went on forever until we both agreed to settle on a documentary.
Will lights the fireplace, and between the mesmerizing flicker of the flames to the warm air inside the apartment, my eyelids begin to fall heavy. If I just close my eyes for a moment, it’ll pass, and I’ll be energized to drive back to New Haven.
I grab the blanket beside the sofa and throw it over me. The screen begins to look blurry, constant yawns escaping me. It all just feels so comfortable, almost as if I’m back home.
“Hey,” Will whispers beside me. “Are you still awake?”
I nod, murmuring before I move closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder. The fight to stay awake becomes too much of a battle until my eyes close to the sound of the television still playing.
My eyes slowly open, tired and barely able to move, the muscles of my face completely relaxed. The surroundings begin to sink in, and as my hand moves against the surface it’s resting on, I realize it is the fabric of Will’s sweater, and I’m lying on his chest.
Pulling away quickly, my head spins momentarily, trying to figure out what just happened. You fell asleep on him, that’s all—no need to panic. Nothing happened. Will is fast asleep, at least, until a slight
stir escapes him, causing his eyes to open, only just.
“Did we fall asleep?” he mumbles, letting out a yawn.
“Yes,” I mutter, my yawn escaping. “I was so tired, and I guess you were too.”
“I never nap,” he states.
“Neither do I, really. I think it was the adrenaline rush, then the food coma, and then the boring documentary you put on.”
A soft chuckle escapes his lips. “It was a great nap. We should be nap buddies.”
“Nap buddies?” I follow with a laugh. “Sure, I’ll just drive here every weekend, and we’ll schedule it in. Who needs a law degree, anyway? Napping is way more important.”