Page 37 of The Trouble With Love: An Age Gap Romance (The Forbidden Love 1)
“The perks of college life,” he opens with. “No parents to bust us.”
I laugh, resting my head on his chest. “So, the movies and TV shows were correct?”
“So, it seems.”
Moving toward my side, I prop myself up on my elbow.
“Austin, what will become of us?”
His expression shifts, the happiness fades, and torment overcomes him.
“Why do you need answers, Millie? Why can’t we just enjoy now?”
I think about his question. Maybe he’s right. Why do I need answers? Because you’ve bared your body and soul to this man. I feel vulnerable, loving him so much but knowing that sometimes, the sacrifice creates a world of pain that love can’t withstand on its own.
“You’re right. You hungry?”
Austin dresses back into his clothes as I find something more appropriate to wear than my bodycon dress from last night. Last night. The memories of Will come racing back to mind, and how easily I had forgotten all about it in Austin’s presence. When Austin excuses himself to use the bathroom, I send Will a quick DM to thank him for last night.
Me: Thank you for getting me home safely.
“You ready?” Austin calls from the doorway.
I nod my head, tucking my phone into my purse.
We find a local eatery, opting to sit indoors as the rain falls from the sky. We talk about classes, and I listen as Austin speaks about the new friends he made. The way he tells stories makes you feel as if you were there with him. Each one of them seems fun, and since they all are studying to become a doctor of some sort, I enjoy hearing about their lives and how they came to that decision.
“So, your friend, Henry, he’s studying to become a podiatrist?”
“Yes,” Austin chuckles. “We enjoy giving it to him because Zach swears he has a foot fetish.”
“And Zach is the one who you think is screwing a professor?”
“Not think, I know.”
“I didn’t think it was possible.”
“Well, in his defense, she’s pretty hot.”
I raise my eyes from my plate, a shot of anger sweeping through me.
“I guess if you like older women.”
“What’s there not to like? She’s hot, wears glasses, and intelligent. A trifecta.”
I nod my head, then lower my gaze, and stare at my plate. With my fork and knife in hand, I cut the green bean into pieces with a vengeance.
“Like you wouldn’t say the same if there weren’t a hot professor on campus?”
“I respect their authority, so no, I wouldn’t feel the same.”
“Right,” he drags. “But older CEOs?”
My head springs up. “Excuse me?”
“Nothing. It’s just you’re quick to have an opinion on the matter, though I’m certai