Page 82 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
“I know your sister is a bitch.” He growls. “And that you should sleep with your bedroom door locked and one eye open.”
I nod. “Thanks for the ride home.” I slam the door shut and make my way up to the front door.
It’s a little after midnight. I left a few hours after Becky and Austin did. I called Seth, and we went to hang out with a friend of his. We had some drinks and played video games. I needed to celebrate. I fucked over my sister, and she fucked over her best friend.
It was a great Monday!
I hated the look on Austin’s face when she realized she had been betrayed, because I’ve been there with Becky, and it hurts. I’ll go see her tomorrow after school and apologize for how things went down. And let her know that I’m here for her too. I can be her friend.
I make my way into the house and up the stairs. I enter my room and gently close my door. Flipping on my bedroom light, I squeal like a pig when I see a man sitting on the end of my bed.
“What the fuck?” I breathe. It’s midnight.
How the hell does he keep getting into my house?
Deke looks up at me. “A little late to be out on a school night, isn’t it?”
My eyes catch sight of a black bag at his feet. It reminds me of the same one Eli kept close to him. And Austin had mentioned in her journal that the GWS gave her one when they forced her to join their group.
Any other time, I would be afraid of him being in my room at midnight after I tricked him into sleeping with me, but I’m not sober at the moment. He’s come to play. To piss me off. I know how he works. I do something to him, and he comes and threatens me. But he has yet to hurt me. I haven’t seen that side of Deke that Austin wrote about in her journal or the one I heard when he threatened to kill my sister. I want to poke the shark. See how much he can endure before he gets deadly.
I push off the door and walk slowly over to the foot of the bed, crossing my feet as I walk. I’ve seen enough of my mother’s models grace the stage to know how to walk like them. I come to a stop before him, and he tilts his head back to look up at me. Placing both hands on either side of him, I lean over, making sure my tits are in his face. “Is that why you came here, Deke?” I lick my lips. “You want me to play Becky while you play my daddy?”
His jaw sharpens and eyes narrow as my words piss him off. I laugh. Pushing off the bed this time, I stumble more than anything as I make my way back to my door. And I’m not even in heels. I dressed comfortable for my evening celebration. I swing it open and lean against it. “We both know you’re only here to tell me that you love her.” I roll my eyes dramatically, and it almost knocks me off balance. Maybe I had a few more drinks than I thought. “And that you made a mistake. So go ahead and walk over to her room and be with her.” Somehow, Becky has talked him into rubbing it in my face. That even though he fucked me, he still loves her. I’m not surprised. But it does piss me off. Again, she’s so goddamn perfect, and I’m insignificant.
He stands, squaring his broad shoulders. He looks taller, scarier for some reason in a pair of black jeans and matching long-sleeve shirt. He’s got the sleeves pushed up, showing off his tan, muscular forearms. Walking over to me, he takes hold of the door and shuts it.
My eyes go to the door and then to his. He reaches up and runs the back of his knuckles up and down my neck. I swallow nervously as my heart rate picks up. I close my eyes at the feel of his hands on me, but they spring open the moment his hand grips my throat, and he pins me against the door.
“I’m here for you, Demi.” He whispers my name, and even though the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in warning, my pussy throbs.
I swallow. “Is that supposed to scare me?”
His right leg forces its way between my knees. I tighten mine, refusing to let him through, but he’s stronger. He smiles when he’s pressed fully against me. His muscular thigh now wedged between mine.
“I’m not afraid of you,” I state, moving to my tiptoes. His hand keeps getting tighter, and my knees threaten to buckle.