Page 8 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
“I’m sorry. Is that what you want me to say?” she grinds out. “I lied. And I’ve felt terrible about it. Austin is my best friend. And I love you. You love me.”
“Not anymore.” I shake my head.
“I don’t believe you,” she argues. “There has to be something I can do. Please … tell me.” The desperation in her voice makes me smile.
I turn around and cup her tear-streaked face. She sucks in a long breath, and her body presses into mine, now interested. Funny how women turn to sex when they’re desperate for forgiveness. “Unless you plan on falling to your knees and opening that mouth of yours so I can fuck it, I have no use for you.”
“I don’t believe you,” she whispers again as new tears run down her face.
“That’s your problem. Not mine.” Her eyes stare up at mine, silently begging me to forgive her and tell her that it’s all going to be okay. That I love her. I’ll die before I ever say that to her again.
When she licks her wet lips and falls to her knees like an obedient slave, I look at her with disgust. I’d always held Becky to a higher standard because she continually held her head high and didn’t care what others said or felt about her. Cole was not driving the car when it wrecked and killed three of our friends—she was—and she allowed him to take the fall for it. Though I can’t blame her for that part. I understand firsthand that when Cole makes up his mind, you can’t change it. I’m just like him in that aspect. But she lied to him when she told him she was pregnant. She wanted him to feel sorry for her and tell her to run, and it worked. She played him, and then she kept it from me because she knew I could tell him the truth.
I’m a killer. But I’ve never lied without a reason, and that purpose is rarely just to save my own ass.
She looks up at me, tears running down her face, and she pulls her shoulders back as though she has a backbone. “I’ll prove it to you.” Her voice doesn’t waver with her renewed determination. As if sucking my cock is going to make me fall in love with her all over again.
She’s not the first girl to suck my dick who I didn’t fall in love with. And she won’t be the last.
“Deke?” Her shaky voice pulls me out of that memory. Her hands are on my chest, and she breathes heavily.
I love that I still have this effect on her. After three months of nothing, I can still turn her into a fucking puddle of water that I can stomp through. I once loved Becky, but now I hate her with a passion.
My fingers dig into her arms. “Yeah, baby?”
She bites her bottom lip at my words. I avoid her like the plague, but maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe she could be more useful than I thought. If I told her to drop to her knees right now and suck my dick, would she do it? Only one way to find out.
I let go and run my hands up her arms. Her breath hitches when I move them over her neck, being as gentle as I can when I really want to fucking break it. Watch her perfect fucking lips open as she tries to breathe while the life drains out of her pretty blue eyes.
I can be a fucking heartless bastard.
Her blue eyes look up into mine, and I see it. That same desire she used to have for me. I wonder how much she faked. Did it make her sick when I touched her? When I kissed her? How about when I fucked her?
I’d love to make her hate herself as much as I hate her now. I can make her believe I love her again. That I’ve forgiven her.
My hands slide into her hair, and she licks her painted pink lips. “I’ve missed you,” I lie.
A shiver runs through her body, but she says nothing.
“Have you missed me, baby?”
Her eyes close and her lips part. The act reminds me of that last memory when I allowed her to suck my cock. The hopefulness she had in her eyes as tears ran down her face from my force. Those boys in high school were wrong—her mouth didn’t make up for what her cunt lacked. But when you love someone, you’re blind to their every flaw. Now that I hate her, I see much clearer. The fog is gone, and I see Becky for who she really is—a slut I can use to my advantage.
Sweet fucking revenge. I’m an expert at fucking someone over. No one plays that game better than I do.