Page 66 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
“I had a great time,” she purrs.
He smirks down at her. His black dress shirt is unbuttoned and untucked. It’s wrinkled so I know it spent all night on her floor. She wears an oversized T-shirt, and that’s it. It barely covers her pussy.
He doesn’t say anything to her. Instead, he tells her how much fun he had by placing his lips on hers. He wraps both arms around her and pulls her away from the door. He spins her in a half circle, placing her back to me. Letting go of her waist, he places both of his hands on her face. She moans, and I stand watching like a deer in headlights.
What the hell is he doing? Does she truly believe he wants her? He hates her. I saw it in his eyes when he spoke of her in his room. When he compared me to her. This must be some kind of joke.
He pulls his lips from hers, tilts her head to the side, and lowers his lips to her exposed neck. He opens his eyes, and they land right on me, across the balcony. He knew I was here. “Fuck, Becky!”
My heart pounds at the way he moans her name while he stares at me, but it makes total sense. Why he’s here. Me. He wants to fuck with me. He’s making it very clear that no matter what kind of lying whore she is, she’s better than I am, and I’ll never live up to her. He doesn’t have to say the words. I can read it in his cold crystal blue eyes. And the fact he’s not the least bit surprised to see me.
“Deke,” she pants, falling for his shit.
His eyes remain on mine as he licks his way up her neck to the shell of her ear.
I want to run over and rip her off him. I want kiss him, to show her that he was touching me the same way just two nights ago, but I can’t. I’ve become immobile at the sight of him taunting me. Playing with me as if I’m some fucking amateur.
He pulls away, and the smirk on his face tells me all I need to know.
Fuck you, Demi!
He finally looks away from me and leans down, giving her a peck on the cheek. “I’ll call you later.” Without another word, he walks down the staircase and exits the house.
I look at my sister, and I watch a smile grace her face. It’s that Becky Holt smile she hides from everyone but herself. The I-fucked-you-over smile.
They’re both playing their own games on one another. But why?
As if she just realizes that he’s gone and no longer has to pretend, the smile drops off her face. Taking a step back into her room, she slams her door shut.
I stand there still trying to wrap my head around what I just saw and why I’m so pissed off about it when her door opens, and she tosses a wad of clothes into the hall by her door, then shuts it again. I notice a dark blue dress that looks familiar and find myself walking over to it. Our housekeeper hates when Becky does this, but she doesn’t care.
I pick up the blue dress and clench it in my hand. She wore my dress. Not that I would, but I hate the idea of her being in my room and snooping through my shit. This is exactly why I make sure to have Austin’s journal on me at all times. I turn the dress over and frown when I see a white spot that looks like a dried substance. I run my thumb over it, and it hits me. It’s come. She wore my dress last night while he fucked her. And didn’t even bother to remove it.
I enter my room. Plopping down on the end of my bed, I pull out my phone and send a text to Seth. My fingers moving so quickly, my mind can’t keep up with them.
Me: Party at my house Halloween. Spread the word.
Seth: You sure you wanna do that?
Me: Yes.
Seth: What about your sister?
Me: She won’t be here. She’s going back to Collins for the weekend to spend it with my dad.
I smile as I lean back onto my bed and stare up at my ceiling. I have a plan already. One that will knock them off their game. They won’t know what hit them.
I’M IN ENGLISH Lit. Cole sits to my right, holding his pencil like a fucking weapon. He’s still on edge. Austin’s been able to calm him down in the evenings, but he’s still on high alert most of the time. It’s been five days since we went to the cabin, and three since I fucked Becky.
Nothing has happened.
No new messages or threats.