Page 49 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
“Hey.” Maxwell wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. I leave my hands down by my sides and try not to choke on his cologne. The guy is swimming in it tonight.
“Come on.” David nods his head to the driver’s side of his black Aston Martin.
“Thank you,” I mumble, and he nods his head once at me.
I climb into what should be a back seat, but it’s not really. It’s cramped, and David is so tall that he has to have his seat shoved all the way back. But I’m not about to sit behind Maxwell. He’s just as tall.
“Shit.” I hiss.
“What?” Becky asks, getting in beside me.
“Nothing,” I answer, looking away from her.
“What the fuck is it?” She snaps at me, showing her true colors.
“It’s nothing,” I growl.
She huffs.
“You sure, Demi?” David asks, his dark green eyes meeting mine in his rearview mirror.
I nod. I forgot my phone upstairs, but I don’t need it. I know David won’t leave me behind. It’s my sister I’m worried about. And I doubt Maxwell will let me out of his sight.
The car purrs to life, and he puts it in gear before we tear out of my parents’ driveway. Sitting in the back, I tune out their conversation and focus on the radio. “Invincible” by Adelitas Way plays.
David drives us to the outskirt of Collins where all the bonfire parties are thrown—on the beach. Kids bring in kegs and tables. They litter them with bottles and cups. They get fucked up. Most end up passing out on the sand or in the forest right off the beach. I’ve only been to a couple of them, and both times were because David told my sister to let me come. We’ll get there, and my sister will ditch me, but David will make sure to keep an eye on me. I trust him.
We pull up and get out. I stretch my cramped legs as my sister walks around the front of the car. “Don’t get fucking lost.” She throws over her shoulder to me, heading over to the beach. “Keep an eye on her, Maxwell.”
“I forgot my phone,” I tell David, ignoring her. “Do you know how long we will be here?”
He digs into his pocket and holds out his. “Take mine.”
“What?” I look up at him wide-eyed.
“Here. Take it.” He offers it to me. A lazy smile on his face. “The code is 1234.”
Well, no one ever said he was smart. Most of the rich kids of Collins aren’t.
“In case we get separated. You can call your sister’s,” he offers.
“Thanks,” I say softly, “but I doubt she’ll answer.”
He waves it off. “I’ve got hers in my other pocket.”
I smile up at him before he, too, turns and walks off after her. To my surprise, Maxwell follows him, leaving me completely alone.
I put my jacket on and place his phone in the pocket, then I make my way down to the beach. Kids stand by the tables, filling their drinks. Another group has their jeans rolled up with their feet in the water as they get high. And others sit on big logs that surround the fire. I make my way over there because the breeze from the ocean has me shivering.
Sitting down, I look over to see all the Great White Sharks together. Becky was right; the man I wanted to see is present.
Deke, Bennett, Kellan, Eli, Maddox, and Landen each drink out of their own bottles. The only one who’s missing is Cole. I don’t see him anywhere. Deke has his arm around a redhead. She’s got her legs across his lap. He looks over at me as I sit down. He looks me up and down in a way that tells me what I already know—I’m not wanted here. But then he surprises me when he asks, “Want a sip?” and holds the bottle out to me.
Everyone laughs. “Deke, she’s too young,” his date says. Her brown eyes look at me, but I don’t think she really sees me. She’s far too gone at this point.
My jaw tightens. These kids forget I’m not much younger than they are. I may be a sophomore, but they’re only juniors. They’ve been running Collins High since they walked in the doors their freshman year, though.
Eli’s eyes meet mine, and I feel a blush creep up my cheeks. He’s by far my favorite out of the group, and the only one who ever seems to notice me. Like I’m not invisible. All the others treat me like Becky does—a nuisance.
“I bet you pass out before Demi does,” Eli says to the girl on Deke’s lap, giving me a wink. And my breath hitches as my body begins to heat up. Whew. The fire is hot all of a sudden.
“She looks to almost be there,” I say, and everyone laughs. My shoulders relax a bit.