Page 42 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
I blink and look up at her eyes. “Hmm?”
She gives me a soft smile. “Do you want something?”
“Yeah.” I look up at the menu.
“What would you like?” She turns, giving me her back to face the man who patiently waits for her order.
“Oh, I can get it—”
“Nonsense,” she interrupts me. “I’ll get it. I owe you anyway. You got my gummies the other night at Silence. What do you want?” She begins to order for her and Lilly.
I scan the menu, and say, “A large Coke ICEE. Please.”
Lilly grabs my hand and looks up at me. Her brown eyes wide in excitement. “That’s Austin’s and my favorite.”
“So, what did Cole have to do?” my sister asks, being a nosy bitch as she pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth from the bucket the cashier just placed on the counter.
“He didn’t say, and I didn’t ask. Deke called him, and he said he had to go.”
I stiffen. Is she gonna rat me out that I was just there earlier tonight when her and Cole were leaving?
“I’m sure it has to do with swimming. Or maybe their classes.” Austin shrugs.
And I try to slow my racing heart.
My sister looks at me, and I swallow nervously, looking away from her. Austin may not have told on me, but did Deke? Did he call Cole the moment I left to tell him that I know his secrets? That I threatened to out them? Fuck, Cole cut Austin’s arm, so I wonder what the hell he would do to me if he knew I had the power to destroy them? Plus, Austin mentioned in her journal that Deke wanted to shoot her. I wasn’t all that afraid of Deke until after I read that. Cole always had that I’ll kill you and store your dead body in my basement kind of vibe. If they worked together, I’m sure my body would never be found.
“Here, Lilly.” Austin hands her a small ICEE. “Don’t drop it, okay?”
She nods. “I won’t.” Then she takes a drink of it.
I feel eyes on me, and I can’t help but look up. My sister is still staring at me, but now she’s glaring. I pull my shoulders back and narrow my eyes at her. I won’t bow down to Deke, so I’m sure as hell not going to bow down to my sister.
“Okay, we’re ready,” Austin announces and turns, handing me my drink.
“Thank you,” I say to her.
She grabs Lilly’s hand, and we make our way into the theater and walk up the stairs until we are at our seats. But Austin doesn’t sit down. “Let’s go use the restroom before the movie starts.”
“Okay.” Lilly gets up and follows her back out.
I sit back in my seat, place my phone on silent, and take a drink of my ICEE.
“What the fuck are you doing?” my sister growls from three seats over. I sat so Austin and Lilly are between us.
“Excuse me?”
She eyes me. “I saw the way you were looking at Cole at Silence.”
I laugh at that. She thinks I’m hung up on Cole. Priceless.
“And then when you went to get Austin her gummies, he had to go track you down to get them from you.”
So she paid enough attention to see that Cole left the group and returned with Austin’s gummies but not enough to notice that Deke was gone as well. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Maybe she is the one with a crush on Cole if she’s watching him that closely. Wouldn’t surprise me. My sister has to prove to herself that every guy wants her. That’s why she willingly throws herself at all of them.
She looks at me with suspicion. “I know that whatever you’re trying, it isn’t gonna work.”
Oh, it will. I’m sure of it.
“I’m nothing like you, sis. I’m not into spreading my legs for every guy who looks my way.”
Her mouth opens in a gasp, but she doesn’t have a comeback for that.
I just smile, and she sits back in her seat as Austin and Lilly come walking up the stairs.
BECKY AND I crash through the front door to her house. “Where is your dad?” I ask, my hands already yanking her shirt out of her jeans.
“Out. He’ll be gone until tomorrow.” She undoes my belt.
I run my lips up her neck. “And David?”
“Away …” She sucks in a long breath. “Looking at a college.” I grip her ass and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, and her hands go to my hair. “We’re completely alone.”
I climb the stairs, hanging onto her and shove her door shut with my foot. Walking over to her bed, I toss her onto it, and she giggles. I reach up and remove my shirt before crawling on top of her. I grip the hem of hers, and she leans up, allowing me to pull it off. But the moment it’s up and over her head, I pause. Blue eyes look up at me, but they’re brighter. Rounder. Becky’s are almond shaped. This body is smaller under me, and her hair a tad lighter. “Demi?”