Page 126 of If You Dare (Dare 3)
“We’re thinking January,” Austin interrupts her.
Two months from now.
“That’s awesome,” Demi says with a big smile on her face. “I’ve always wondered why couples have long-drawn-out engagements. If you love each other, why not do it sooner?”
Angelica does not share her daughter’s excitement. You would think this is me and Demi wanting to tie the knot.
“Have you found a venue already?” Angelica asks. Now she’s just being nosy. “Not sure you will have much luck on availability with such short notice.”
“Oh, we already know.” Austin smiles, looking over at Cole. “An abandoned cemetery.”
Demi’s mother chokes on her fucking slimy snail.
“It’s where we first met,” she adds.
Cole reaches out and takes her hand. He brings her knuckles to his lips and kisses them softly. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Demi has her elbows on the table, her chin in her hands, and she looks at them wistfully. And I realize that I will do anything to keep that look on her face. It’s crazy how pissed off she used to always look. She hated the world. Now she’s always smiling at me. And laughing. Fuck, that laugh. I tickle her just to hear it. I toss her over my shoulder to hear her squeal my name. And I lie awake at night to watch her sleep. I wonder what it would have been like if I would have picked her instead of Becky. I never even looked at Demi. She was once nonexistent to me. Just like she was to everyone else. But I see her now. And she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
“That didn’t go too bad.” Austin laughs as we enter their house.
I told my mother after dinner that I was staying with Austin tonight. I didn’t think that she knew Deke lived with them, and when she didn’t tell me no, then I was positive she didn’t know.
“It could have gone worse.” I agree.
I’ll have to listen to it tomorrow. About how much of her life she is throwing away to marry a man who can leave her at any given moment. My mother believes a woman should pay her own way, unless you’re Becky. Well, then a career doesn’t matter.
I make my way upstairs to Deke’s room. I’m removing my shirt when he enters. He walks into his bathroom, and I quickly finish getting undressed before crawling underneath his cool covers. Seconds later, he walks out and does the same, but he leaves his black boxers on.
I frown over at him as he turns the light off. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to sex, but that is definitely a bonus when it comes to him.
He shifts onto his side and pulls me into him. “Ride home with me for Thanksgiving.”
Not the conversation I thought we were going to have, but I say, “Okay.”
We all decided last weekend to go home for Thanksgiving. He wants to spend it with Shelby, and I want to see my father. Cole and Austin are also going back. Shelby told them they could stay at her house with Lilly since Cole doesn’t speak to his dad and Austin’s father’s house isn’t in any condition to live in at the moment. She told me the other day that after she was shot, and her stepmother was killed there, no one has cleaned up the house. Her father went to prison, and it was just abandoned.
He kisses my forehead, and I hear his phone ring. It’s been going off nonstop the last few days. “Who keeps calling you?” I ask.
I pull away from him and sit up. “Why are you ignoring him?”
He reaches up and pulls me down to lie next to him. “It’s nothing. I’ll call him tomorrow.”
He’s lying, but I don’t question it.
“Have you heard from my sister?”
I feel his body stiffen against mine. “No. Why?”
“My mother probably called her after we left her house.”
“Hey.” He pushes my hair from my face. “Who cares?”
“I do. My mother wants you with her.” I growl.
He gives me a smile. “I’m with you, Demi.”
We haven’t had the we’re exclusive talk. I just figured it’s a given at this point. I haven’t seen anyone else, and he spends every free second he has with me.
“Yeah, but …”
“Shh,” he says, pressing his lips gently to mine. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. Neither Becky nor your mother are going to change that.”
“Promise?” I ask, biting my bottom lip. My mother can be very persuasive. And relentless. That’s where my sister gets it from.
His phone rings again. He sighs, rolling over, and shuts it off. He turns back to face me. “Promise.”
I SIT ON the kitchen counter at a kid’s parent’s house in Collins. My legs swing back and forth, hitting the cabinets. People crowd around drinking, smoking, and high on whatever drugs they’ve ingested to get through the night. I understand it. Wish I could do it. Feel numb. But no matter what I do, it won’t fix how I feel.