Page 20 of The Summer Proposal
At about eight, almost everyone had arrived, except the person I was throwing this sham of a party for. My cell was on the charger in the kitchen, so I went to go check if maybe she’d texted.
There’d been a missed call around six thirty and then a text around seven.
Georgia: Hey. I just wanted to make sure you got my voicemail. I’m sorry for canceling last minute.
I swiped into my voicemail and hit play next to her name.
“Hey. It’s Georgia. I’m sorry to call at the last second, but I’m not going to be able to come tonight. I wasn’t feeling so hot yesterday, and this morning I woke up sort of achy and wiped out. I took some Motrin a few hours ago hoping I’d feel better and laid down for a little while, and I actually just woke up. I never nap, so I didn’t expect to pass out for almost three hours or I would’ve called sooner. Now my throat is a little sore, and I’m running a low fever. I feel awful for canceling on your birthday, but I’m not going to be able to come. I’m sorry, Max. I hope you have a great party.”
I frowned. This sucks. When I read the text, I assumed she was blowing me off. But she didn’t sound so good, and that caused an ache in my chest. So I hit Call Back and leaned against the counter, waiting for her to answer.
On the third ring, I thought I was about to go to voicemail, but then she answered. Her voice sounded worse than on the message.
“Hey,” she croaked.
“You don’t sound so good.”
“Yeah, I don’t feel too hot. It hurts when I swallow, and my head weighs a hundred pounds. I’m really sorry I can’t come.”
“It’s fine. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well.”
“I don’t think I’ve been sick in ten years. Not even a cold. I’m sort of a big baby when I don’t feel well. You must think I’m a total wimp. Hockey players play with broken bones and injuries all the time.”
“Nah. That’s different.”
She laughed. “Thank you for lying. How’s your party going?”
“It’s fine. Four is being his usual con self. He’s perfected the big-eyed, pitiful stare that women fall for. He sits at their feet and looks up until they lift him and tell him how cute he is. Then he eyes whatever they’re eating as if he hasn’t been fed in a year. Nine times out of ten, I get yelled at for not feeding him enough. Meanwhile his bowl of dog food is full in the kitchen. If he were a human, he’d be one of those guys who run shill card games that take tourists for all their money near Penn Station.”
Georgia laughed, but the laugh rolled into a coughing fit. “Sorry. Excuse me.”
“No problem.”
She sighed. “I was looking forward to meeting Four.”
“He was looking forward to meeting you, too. You’ll have to make it up to him.”
I heard the smile in her voice. “Just him? Not the birthday boy?”
“Well, if you’re offering…”
Jenna burst into the kitchen. “The caterer is here with the hot food for dinner.”
“Hang on a second, okay?” I covered the phone. “Will you do me a favor and tell them to come in here. I’ll be off in a minute.”
“Sure. I also need you to open more red wine.”
Once Jenna shut the kitchen door, I took my hand off the phone. “Sorry about that.”
“It sounds like you’re busy. I’ll let you go.”
As much as I didn’t want to hang up, I knew I should. “Alright, yeah. I’ll check in with you tomorrow to see how you feel.”
“Have a great time at your party, and happy birthday, Max.”
“Thank you. Feel better. Get some sleep.”
After I hung up, I paid the caterers and opened a few more bottles of wine. I tried to keep my head in a few conversations, but my heart just wasn’t in it. So when I noticed Jenna going into the kitchen with an empty tray, I followed her.
“How much of an asshole would I be if I slipped out of my own party for an hour or two?”
“Where the hell would you go?”
“To Georgia’s. She’s not feeling well.”
“I was wondering why she wasn’t here. Do you think she’s lying and you want to go over and see if she’s really home or something?”
I shook my head. “No, I believe her. Thought maybe I’d pick up some soup and throat lozenges.”
Jenna smiled. “You really like her, huh?”
“I know I’m going to regret telling you this, but…the only reason I even had people over tonight was because she agreed to come to a party, but she wouldn’t go out with me.”
Her smile widened and she sing-songed her words. “Pretty Boy got turned do-own.”
“Why does that make people so happy to hear?”