Page 21 of His House His Rules (Forbidden Fantasies 40)
“What’s it like, sleeping with somebody so much older than you? Isn’t he like twice your age? Can Mr. Quinn get it up on command, or does he need a lot of foreplay to get hot?”
I stare at her.
“For your information,” I say primly. “My stepdad’s not lacking anything in that department. We go at it like wild animals all the time. Sometimes more than once a day. Hell, four or five times a day if we’re in the mood.”
My sassy cousin whistles. “Damn, girl,” she commends. “I’m impressed. You’re right – I need to get myself an older man after hearing about your experiences. Oh wait, I already have my eye on someone,” she winks. But before I can inquire, she waves the waiter over and bats her lashes. “Could we get two mimosas please? Heavy on the champagne,” she commands. My eyes widen, and I cluck.
“Girl, you’re only seventeen! I know you’re not supposed to drink!”
When the waiter pauses, I cancel the order.
“She’s under-age, and I’m not drinking today. Two orange juices, please,” I state before the waiter scurries off. Zoe mock sighs, and I shake my finger in a reprimand. “Not on my watch. Hell no, I’m not going to have your mom yelling at me for not being a good chaperone.”
“Yeah, but you’re not my mom!” she wails. “What’s with all the strict rules? Wait, are you pregnant?” she asks jokingly. In response, I say nothing and Zoe’s face immediately falls. “Oh, my God. No way.”
“I wasn’t planning on telling you like this,” I say carefully. “It wasn’t intentional or anything, and Clancy and I are careful about using protection. But I can’t take the pill because it always makes me so lethargic, so we were just using condoms. Then, there were a few times that Clancy and I were just so hot and heavy that we didn’t even stop to use protection. It was an oopsie, for sure.”
My little cousin’s jaw drops open.
“OMG are you serious? You’ve taken the test and everything to confirm, right?”
I sigh and rub my soft belly. It’s poochy, but I’m usually a bit poochy just from being me.
“I haven’t, but I get my period like clockwork, and it’s been two months now. Plus, I’ve been vomiting in the mornings, and my appetite is through the roof. All the usual hallmarks are there.”
Zoe’s jaw is still on the floor. “But you’re related.”
“Not biologically,” I point out. “And Clancy didn’t raise me. He didn’t come into my life until he married my mom when I was ten. When she passed away, he shipped me off to boarding school, and really, we hardly saw each other after that. We don’t feel like family.”
My cousin nods, still clearly trying to sort through everything I’ve just relayed. It’s a rare moment of silence from a teen girl who normally never stops talking, and I almost feel a little guilty for giving her such a shock. But after the way she’s been asking these annoying questions, I don’t feel so bad anymore.
When the waiter comes back with our drinks, my cousin takes a long sip of her orange juice, nearly draining the whole thing in one slurp.
“Wow,” she finally says after letting go of the straw. “This is new, and I have to say, Selena, it’s a surprising turn of events. How are you feeling about the pregnancy?”
I grin. “I couldn’t be happier.”
Zoe frowns.
“Really? But aren’t you worried about what Clancy will say? I mean, have you two even talked about whether you want kids yet? You’ve only been dating for what? Three months or something? I know I wouldn’t be ready for kids.”
I pin her with a look.
“First, you’re seventeen and I’m twenty five, so we’re worlds apart in terms of life experience. Second, I kind of feel like I’m in the Inquisition here? I know you mean well, but you’re really putting me on the spot. Last, I know it’s soon and ideally, we would have taken a little more time to get to this point, but honestly, I’m not worried. Clancy is a wonderful man with a generous heart, and he adores me. I know he’ll be overjoyed when I tell him the good news.”
Zoe nods.
“Sorry Sel. I really mean that. I guess this is just surprising, and you know me. My mouth always runs faster than my brain, so I agree, I’ve been saying stupid things this whole conversation. I’m really, really sorry,” she apologizes.
I nod.
“No, it’s okay, I get it. Everyone’s seventeen once, and at that age, you tend to run your mouth. But honestly? I’m comfortable and I feel good about things, so there’s no need to worry.”
Zoe nods.
“You must really love him then.”
Suddenly, I know it’s true. We’ve only been together a short time, but I do love Clancy. If someone had asked me how I felt about my stepfather even six months ago, I would have told them that I didn’t really know the guy. Clancy Quinn was nothing but a shadow in my life. He was someone who packed me off when I craved his emotional support the most.