Page 32 of Drop Dead Queen (Corium University Trilogy 2)
I notice that the worst of all of them—Matteo—is missing. In fact, now that I think back on it, I can’t recall seeing him around Quinton and Ren at all. Before, he was everywhere they were, but now, it’s like he doesn’t even exist. At least to them.
He still haunts my every thought. I know he still has it out for me, and like a snake, he’s slithering through the grass, waiting for the perfect time to strike. I can feel eyes on me and glance over at Quinton, but it isn’t him looking at me. No, it’s Nash.
His beady eyes scan over my body in a way that makes my skin crawl. It’s more than being uncomfortable, the way he looks at me. It’s like he wants to break me like a glow stick just to see what’s inside.
My hands become clammy, and I decide it’s probably best to return to my room. I’ve taken enough risks and drawn enough attention to myself today. Turning on my crutches, I walk toward the elevator when, out of nowhere, I’m tripped.
“Watch your step, rat!” Someone snickers.
Laughter rains down around me as I release the crutches and catch myself on my hands to stop from smashing my face into the ground. Pain ricochets up my bad leg, and I let out a soft cry.
I grit my teeth to hold back the rest of the pain and look up from the floor. My eyes meet Quinton’s icy blue gaze, and all I can do is stare at him, wondering what his next move is going to be.
Will he help me?
He wears a perfect mask of pain and hate, but I know deep down there is more to him than meets the eye. I know the real him, the man who comes to my room at night and lets me see all his broken pieces.
Exhaling the air from my lungs, I break eye contact and ignore the eyes that are on me while I try to get off the floor. He’s not going to help me. Why would he?
The pain in my leg intensifies, and I’d probably cry if there weren’t so many people waiting for the tears to fall.
Assholes. Waiting to see me fall or fail.
I let that anger burn through my veins, giving me the drive to push through the pain and help myself up off the floor. Not that anyone gives me a helping hand, least of all Quinton, who I can feel watching me the entire time. I don’t know why I expected him to offer.
What does it say about this entire room full of people if they don’t make a move to help someone in need? I guess the better question is, who trips a person with a broken leg. Preying on the week is the lowest, not standing up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves, even lower. I vow to myself that I will never sink to their level.
It can’t be more than a minute, but it seems like an eternity before I get to my feet. It takes even longer for me to situate both crutches so I can get out of this fucking place.
By the time I reach the elevator doors, I’m blinking back tears. I glance back at Quinton one more time and notice his jaw is tight, and confliction flickers in his eyes.
He’s conflicted…but why? I mean nothing to him. I’m finally sure of it. He only cares about me when I’m on my back. And this time, I won’t forget it.
Using the sharpened blade of my pocketknife, I cut away the tape wrapped around the top of the beat-up box. Even with expedited shipping, this took forever to get here. I’ve been waiting for the package for weeks, and now that I’ve finally got it, I find the outside damaged. If they broke my shit, I’m returning it with some C4 tucked inside.
Dropping the knife on the table next to me, I eagerly pull open the box and start taking out its content. Lucky for Amazon, the cameras inside are all undamaged. I inspect each one and connect them to my phone. After I try both out and know they are working, I check the time. Aspen should still be at class for another hour, which gives me enough time to install these.
If I can’t physically be with her, I can at least watch her.
Dropping the small devices in my pocket, I grab her keycard from my desk and head out. When I get to her door, I unlock it and slip inside without anyone giving me a second glance.
As soon as I’m inside, her unique scent fills my senses, and for a moment, I think she is here. I flip on the light switch to find the room empty, and I hate how disappointment creeps its way into my core.