Page 21 of Capture Me (Unlocked Desire)
“What’s mine is yours, brother,” Vance says, holding a boning knife in his hand.
Enzo ignores him, his dark eyes peering into mine as if he’s trying to search for something.
My heart beats wildly as I take in this handsome, dangerous man who’s wrapped himself around all my joy. I never expected to find someone like him. I didn’t even hope to find a man half as amazing as him.
“You sure about this?”
I cup his face in my hands. “Yes, I’m sure. I need to be there.”
“Then you’ll be there.”
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Ciaran says. His face is stern, and he’s turning the large chain around his neck in his hand, looking lethal. I am sure that he could kill a man with his hands without even breaking a sweat.
“She’s coming,” Enzo says, not taking his eyes off me.
Chapter Twelve
“You sure you want to do this?” I ask Reese. She’s aiming the gun at Vance’s head, getting a feel for the metal.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she says.
I can’t help but chuckle at the way he’s growling at her. “My wife won’t like it if you manage to somehow take off my head ’cause you don’t know how to handle that thing.”
“I can handle myself just fine, Vance. Your missus is totally in excellent hands. So what’s the plan?”
“We go in there and kill the motherfucker,” Ciaran chimes in, flashing his fangs.
Vance shoots a disgusted look at him. “You gonna drain him like a vampire?”
“Fuck you, man. The ladies love them.” Ciaran wags his eyebrows. “Sharpened for her pleasure.”
I chuckle. “Your father is already there at the warehouse. You probably don’t even need the gun. He’s tied up under the supervision of our men. There really isn’t any plan other than going in there, setting him on fire, and leaving.”
“It you already have him, then why the hell do you have a cavalry going in with you?”
I shrug. “Poetic justice. Ciaran, Finn, and I have had our lives wrecked by him, and well, Vance has been playing house and needs a little more excitement in his life.”
Vance raises an eyebrow, appearing every bit the lethal killer. “Wait until you’re playing house yourself, brother.”
I smile at my old friend, flicking the Zippo on and off. “I think I’m good. I’m marrying a principessa. Her blood lust runs deep.”
“Marrying?” Reese asks, her gaze fixed on me.
God, she’s so fuckin’ beautiful that it actually hurts to look at her. She’s the bright light at the end of the dark tunnel known as my life. She better believe I am going to marry her. There’s no way in hell I’m losing her, the best thing to have ever happened to me.
“Yes, when all this is done, I’m putting a ring on it.”
“Do I even have a say in this?”
“I’m holding a gun, Enzo. You sure you want to play that game?”
“Baby, if you don’t marry me, you might as well shoot me, ’cause there’s no way I’m ever letting you go.”
She cracks a smile, leans over, and kisses me on the cheek. “You’re fuckin’ crazy.”
“Say the rest,” I demand.
“And I fuckin’ love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
Ciaran makes gagging sounds as he pretends to choke himself on his chains. We both turn and flash him a dirty look. Mine much more lethal than Reese’s.
“What? You two are pretty fuckin’ disgusting. All this lovey-dovey bullshit. All my boys are dropping one by one like flies.” He points a finger at Finn. “And this one is no barrel of laughs. He barely fuckin’ talks.”
“I can’t wait until you find someone, asshole,” I say, my arms around Reese’s shoulder, moving her body closer to mine.
“Fat fuckin’ chance. Once you settle down, you’re fucked for life. Besides, my tastes are a little too much for most women to deal with long-term.”
Vance and I stare at each other and both start laughing. “Yes, we said that too.”
The warehouse is on the outskirts of town. Vance and I bought it years ago, thinking we’d turn it into a club. Maybe we will someday, but in the meantime, we’ve been using it to dispose of people who’d become a liability. It was a discreet place that didn’t bring about questions.
As we walk in, our men circling around Vincent, step aside. When the fucker sees my face, I can see the fear flash in his cold, calculating blue eyes. Then that fear turns into confidence, I’m sure he thinks he can fuck with my mind like he used to, but those days are long gone. I’d trained my whole life for this moment, sold my soul to the devil just so I’d have time to watch the flames engulf him and burn his flesh like he’d done to mine and to so many other children.
I pull the blade out of my jacket. Knives aren’t my thing, never have been. Those are more Vance’s tool of choice, but after what Reese told me, I want the fucker to suffer for as long as possible. I grit my teeth, walk right up to the fucker, and slice his ear clean off. His scream reverberates through the building, making a painful sound that to me is the most beautiful music one could hear. It is the sound of pain and desperation. Vincent Ferreri now knows what it’s like to live in absolute fear.