Page 15 of Voyeur
“Hello, welcome to Astronomy.”
More head nods and a few wide eyes from the girls walking in. I’d been teaching for three years now and was used to it. I was younger than most of the professors in the school, and I wasn’t oblivious to my looks. So, I ignored them and kept my smiles polite and my attention short, not wanting to encourage anything. I looked out over the class and saw almost all the seats filled. Only a few more minutes and then I’d begin.
“Hello. Welc—” My throat closed up over the words when I went to greet the next set of students entering the room.
Two girls. One a blonde I’d never seen before.
The other?
The other was her. The girl from Voyeur. In my classroom. As a fucking student.
As my student.
Blood pounded through my veins; the whooshing sound blocking out the chatter and movement of the classroom. My vision narrowed, and I focused solely on her. She was smiling, laughing at something her friend said.
She looked so much the same and yet so different. At Voyeur, she walked with an air of confidence, of maturity. Sometimes wearing only lingerie. But as she strode in wearing her skinny jeans and over-sized sweater, she looked so much like a student that I was kicking myself for not seeing how young she was before. Even worse was that most students in my class were freshmen, but I had to hold out hope that maybe she was older. Maybe a senior just getting her last requirements? I cringed, feeling like a pervert for getting off to an eighteen-year-old.
My lungs seemed to be collapsing inside my chest, making it impossible to take a breath deep enough to control myself. Forcing my head down, I stared at my shoes and counted the laces along the top. Anything to help get myself together. When I was able to fill my lungs, I forced a smile and looked up.
“Welcome to Astronomy.”
She faced me from her seat and smiled. I waited for the recognition—dreaded it. Not that she could say anything due to the NDA, but I couldn’t even begin to fathom the complications. But the recognition never came. As soon as her attention was on me, it was gone. She looked back at her friend who nudged her and whispered something while staring at me.
I didn’t even want to imagine what she was saying.
The last of the students straggled in and everyone got settled. I tried to move my attention everywhere, but it inevitably kept going back to her. I watched her take out her pen and then her notebook, mesmerized by her slim fingers gripping the plastic.
I knew what those fingers looked like when they were squeezed in ecstasy.
God, I’d come so hard when she cried out in her second orgasm, her small fist against her partners back. Her legs flexed with tension. I’d gripped my cock, pumping harder and harder, unable to hold back the groan to match the sounds she’d made.
Shaking my head, I pulled myself from the memory and moved around the desk to my seat before anyone noticed my semi-erection.
Student. She’s your fucking student.
After mentally listing the names of different galaxies to help get me back on track, as well as taking a deep breath, I was ready to stand and start class.
“Good morning. I’m Dr. Pierce and you are in Astronomy 101. This is the elective for non-physics majors, but maybe by the end of the year, I can convince you to come over to the dark side.”
A few students laughed at my mild humor while others muttered, “Yeah, right.” Typical responses.
“Since it’s the first day, we’ll just cover the syllabus, introduce ourselves, and then I’ll let you back out into the wild.”
I grabbed the stack of papers and handed them in handfuls to the students in the front row, instructing them to take one and pass them back.
It didn’t take long to go over the basics; grades, attendance, exam dates, and class expectations. And I’d managed to do most of it without staring at her. I didn’t even know her name yet.
Once we were done, I resumed my position against the desk and thought of a way to get the information I desired.
Knowing how old she was seemed to be the most important piece of information, and if it meant I had to ask every student, then so be it. “Okay, let’s go around so everyone has a chance to introduce themselves. Tell me your name, so I can cross you off the attendance list. Then your age, what year you are, and your major.”
“How old are you?” a brunette asked from the front row. Her question elicited giggles from her friends, and I smiled obligingly.
“I’m twenty-nine, and I’ve been teaching here for three years. When I was an undergraduate, physics was my major.” I gestured toward her. “Now, why don’t you go ahead and get us started.”