Page 69 of Another
A heavy rock settled in my stomach as I took them in crammed right next to each other, her side completely pressed to his.
Everyone had filled up the living room, playing games and watching football, so it wasn’t like there was anywhere else for her to sit. But did she have to lean into him to stroke Audrey’s cheek? Did she have to look up at him like the sun set on him? Did she have to laugh lightly and squeeze his leg when he told a joke?
The worst part was that those weren’t even the biggest questions flooding my head. No, the one roaring the loudest, flooding every cell in me with doubt and hurt, was why wasn’t Ian stopping her? He even patted her hand resting on his knee. He smiled down at her with his casual smirk I wanted to claim as just mine.
I closed my eyes, counting to ten and barely swallowing down the need to shout across the room for her to stop touching him.
Bile rising in my throat and the squeezing pressure on my chest reminded me of the first time I realized Jake and Jackson were closer than I thought. The feeling consumed me and tried to pull me down into a panicked spiral. I couldn’t stand there and watch them anymore because the more I saw, the easier it was for my mind to convince me that history was repeating itself.
I stepped into the kitchen, leaning against the counter and rolling my neck to ease the muscles pulling tight. I never wanted to feel this again, and I sure as hell didn’t want to stand by and let it happen, allowing it to grow and get worse in my silence.
No, I wasn’t going to allow someone to step in this time. I sucked in a deep breath, stretching my lungs to the max, forcing the muscles to relax and grabbed a bottle of beer. Pulling my shoulders back, I walked—strutted—into the living room to my man. The tension eased when I stood in front of Ian, and his eyes tracked from my hips to linger on my breasts before finally meeting my eyes with undeniable heat.
Ignoring everyone around us, even blocking out Hanna, I held the beer up, letting my eyes track over him too. “Trade?”
I decided not to feel bad that I used my sultry sex voice to ask if Ian wanted to trade our baby for beer in a room full of people. I had a point to make, and a crowd wouldn’t stop me. For the most part, everyone ignored us, but I could feel Hanna’s eyes glued to our every move.
I should feel bad for flaunting our relationship in front of her, but then I remembered her hand on his leg, and just like that, any remaining guilt disappeared.
“You sure?” Ian asked. “Do you need help?”
I smirked, knowing he was offering a make-out session somewhere, but while I wanted to mark my territory, I didn’t know how I felt about making out in a room at a house I was a guest at.
“I’ve got it. You relax.”
Before I took Audrey, I leaned over him and planted a soft kiss, loving the way he lifted his head to chase my lips. He growled and nipped at my smiling retreating lips.
“Dessert,” he whispered.
Smiling, I hefted Audrey in my arms, finally taking a moment to peek over at Hanna who was staring down into her wine glass, her thumb tapping against the side.
Point. Proven.
The entire time I rocked Audrey to sleep, I couldn’t stop smiling. I’d taken control and not sat idly by, and it felt good. I felt strong.
I was still smiling when I walked into the kitchen a little later. I was just turning around from grabbing a water from the fridge when Hanna walked in. She smiled without it reaching her eyes.
“I’m shocked to see Ian so domesticated and bringing someone to Thanksgiving,” she said before I could walk out.
Part of me screamed to just shrug and walk away. Her tone promised nothing good. But pride had me turning to face her.
“Why do you say that?”
She shrugged, her face turning red and her eyes avoiding mine. “He’s just always flitted around from woman to woman—never serious about anyone. I have no doubt he’s going to be the best father, but he always claimed he’d never settled down. He said no woman was enough for him and never would be.”
Somehow, I managed a forced smile. “Well, people change. We have a baby together, and we’re devoted to making it work.”
Her eyes flicked around the room, avoiding mine. She swallowed a few times and licked her lips before she gave the most condescending smile. “Okay.”
Fire started low in my stomach and rose up my chest, but before it could break free, she turned to leave.