Page 43 of Another
She bit her lip and nodded, tucking hair behind her ear before giving one last smile and leaving.
My attention moved back to Carina, who looked like she was scowling at the open doorway.
“You okay?”
She blinked like coming out of a trance and smiled. “Yeah, I’m great. It’s amazing what a two-hour nap and a shower can do. I curled my hair for the first time since being home from the hospital, and I feel almost human again.”
“You look great.”
She blushed, and it was nice to watch her eyes drop away like my compliment made her shy. Carina wasn’t shy, but I liked that my words could make her submissive to me. She was a dominant personality, but I think that was just a shell to protect her from what she’d gone through. I think once I cracked through, she’d bend to me—at least in the bedroom.
Erik’s words came to mind, and he was right, I needed to talk to her about what I wanted. I needed her to know that I wanted more.
“Do you mind if I close the door?”
“Not at all. I don’t want anyone else seeing the goods.”
“I’m just feeding, Ian. There’s nothing sexual about it,” she explained, unbuttoning her dress and bringing a hungry Audrey to her breast.
I watched in awe, warmth moving through me, down to my cock. “I’ve seen you do this tons of times and I’m in awe—not necessarily turned on by your boobs—although they’re spectacular. I mean they’re really freaking great—but it kind of turns me on watching you feed her. Watching you take care of her.”
More color rose high on her cheekbones, and she swallowed. “I get it. It’s just a parent thing,” she explained with a shrug even though she looked anything other than nonchalant. “It’s kind of like when I find you with our girl against your broad chest.”
A slow smile formed as realization of what she was admitting spread through me. She struggled to meet my eyes as I rounded the desk and squatted at her feet. “I turn you on?” I asked, my voice deep and filled with desire.
“What?” she asked, breathless and with too much innocence to be real.
“I mean, I get it. You being a mother completely does it for me. You’re beautiful taking care of our baby. A goddess.” I looked down at Audrey latched onto Carina’s breast, and a growl worked its way up from my chest. I was a caveman, possessive of his woman and offspring.
“Ian…” Carina was almost panting from just my claim, and I wanted to make it worth it. I wanted to make her breathless and gasping.
I rested my hand on her knees, her skin soft and warm under my rough palms. Holding her heavy-lidded stare, I slowly slid up her thighs, past the edge of her skirt.
“This is a bad idea,” she breathed.
I smiled and adjusted my legs so she could see the hard-on pressing against my slacks. “I don’t think it is.” She gave the gasp I wanted when my thumbs brushed down between her thighs. Nowhere near where I wanted but getting closer. “You know, we never talked about what happened before Audrey arrived.”
Carina swallowed and tried to lift her chin in the air, but her parted lips and burning gaze gave her away. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“I disagree.” I didn’t pull my hands away, but I didn’t push for more. She knew what I wanted, and that had to be enough for now. I had my foot in the door. “It’s up to you, Carina. I just want to let you know; I’m here for any lusty desires you may have.”
She gave me that typical look I associated with her—the laugh and shake of her head, but this time, it was mixed with her heavy breathing, and it was everything I wanted.
Before she could respond, a knock on the door broke the moment.
“One moment,” I called out. “It’s feeding time.”
“Okay. Be back later,” Jared called from the other side. He had two kids of his own, so he knew the drill.
I stood and took Audrey to burp her as Carina fixed her dress back up. My girl gave a completely unladylike belch and then went back to sucking her thumb.
“We should get going,” Carina said once she was all put together again.
“Okay,” I strapped Audrey into her seat before facing Carina who was trying to give me the proud, I’m-not-effected-by-you look. I shook my head, knowing she was trying to hide behind it, but I wasn’t going to let her anymore. “Let’s talk tonight. I’ll bring home some dinner,” I suggested as I opened the door.
Surprisingly, she nodded as she stepped outside. Jared and Hanna were standing by Laura’s desk, discreetly watching our goodbye. Nosy bastards.
Carina noticed but ignored them and faced me. “I’ll see you at home,” she said with a smile. “Thanks for this morning.”