Page 41 of Married for the Boss's Baby
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Despite her trepidation about the next day, Sara slept well. She was woken early by her father’s tap on the door. “Little girl, it’s your big day.”
The ceremony was to take place at ten that morning.
“To catch the best light,” Grant’s mother had said.
Sara picked at her breakfast when it was delivered. She’d just finished showering when there was a knock at the front door. A maid sent by Grant’s mother arrived to help her dress. Soon after, Kim joined them, wearing a pale yellow dress.
“You look wonderful!” Sara exclaimed, holding her at arm’s length.
“I’m sure no one will even notice me once they see you. Dr. Smythe, Grant certainly didn’t have eyes for anyone but you last night.”
Was that true? She’d sure had a hard time keeping herself from staring at him. Surely she would have noticed if he’d been looking at her that much.
“Girl, I can’t believe that you’re getting married and didn’t even tell me you were dating Dr. Delicious. Does he have a friend?”
Sara couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll ask. I think Leon is available.”
Half an hour later, Sara stood in front of the large free-standing mirror, wondering who the person was who was staring back at her. She’d never looked or felt more beautiful. Would Grant think so?
Outside, waiting for her, was a golf cart large enough to accommodate her in the full dress as well as Kim and her father. When Grant’s mother had popped in for a moment she’d asked about Lily and had been told that the nanny would have her at the wedding. It was difficult to relinquish control. How was she going to walk away when the time came?
The chapel she and Grant were to marry in was an arching two-story all-glass building surrounded by enormous green fir trees. She was speechless as the driver stopped in front of it. Never had she dreamed of such a perfect wedding site.
Kim alighted from the cart and promptly proceeded down the aisle. Sara took her father’s arm and they moved to stand in the doorway. Someone handed her a beautiful bouquet of white roses. The scent swirled around her.
This was too much like for real.
The morning light shone just above the treetops, giving the space a celestial feel. The place was everything she would have dreamed of for a wedding. The rest of the party stood at the end of the aisle flanked by dark wooden benches.
She and her father walked to the front to the sound of a harp.
Grant waited. Dressed in a dark tux with a crisp white shirt, he was Hollywood opening night debonair. The look on his face she would have called love if she hadn’t known better.
He stepped forward and offered her his hand.
GRANT WASN’T CERTAIN he drew a breath the entire time it took Sara and her father to join him.
Sara was the most mesmerizing, angelic creature he’d ever seen. A vision in white with her dark hair pulled back and a veil that fell just below her shoulders. Who would have thought that his father would have been indirectly responsible for creating this moment? If Lily hadn’t needed a nanny he would have never met Sara.
Her eyelids flickered up then down again as she gave him her hand. It shook.
He escorted her the few steps to the altar.
There Sara gave him a questioning look. He smiled with confidence. They would get through this together. Then came their vows. Hers were spoken softly but to his amazement she held his gaze.
His turn came and his mouth went dry. He had to clear his throat to speak. Somehow each word seemed the perfect one.
The pastor said, “Now for the rings.”
Sara’s stricken look locked with his. He gave her an encouraging smile.
Leon stepped forward and handed him her ring. He slipped it on her finger and she couldn’t seem to take her attention off it. When she looked at him, her eyes shimmered.
How was he supposed to get through the rest of this if she cried?
Sara trembled when Kim nudged her elbow and handed her a ring. A bright smile curved her lips as she took it and placed it on his finger.
“You may kiss your bride,” the preacher said.
Grant put his finger under Sara’s chin and lifted it until their gazes met. His lips found hers. Her hand came to his waist. She returned his kiss. It seemed to go on forever yet not long enough. When he lifted his head she sighed. His heart squeezed.
Seconds later they were presented as man and wife.