Page 25 of Nurse to Forever Mom
“Great.” Stacey ruffled her hair. “Then you can wear yours as well. Now for dresses. Let’s see what we have here.” Stacey looked through the clothes that were all topsy-turvy on the bed then turned to the closet. There she found a dress with long sleeves and would hang below Jean’s knees. Stacey held it up. “I think this might do. Jean, would you put it on with your boots?”
The entire time she was working with the clothes she felt Cody watching her. She glanced up to confirm it. His dark look didn’t waver. “Jean, have your dad help you.” Maybe with Cody having something to do he wouldn’t have time to make her feel self-conscious.
“While you do that, Lizzy and I are going to see if we can find something for her. Lizzy, how about showing me to your room?”
The child skipped out of the room and down the hall. Stacey couldn’t help but like the girls. They’d had a hard start in life but were pleasant children. Jean still hadn’t warmed up to her but that didn’t matter. It was even better that way. If she did, it would just make it that much harder for both of them when Stacey had to leave.
The girls’ bedrooms were side by side and they shared a bathroom. Lizzy’s room was blue and done in what Stacey guessed was a theme from her favorite cartoon show. Clothes were spread everywhere in there as well.
On the floor Stacey found a dress similar to Jean’s and held it up. “This should do. Lizzy, will you put this on? And your boots.”
She was in the process of removing her shirt when Stacey turned around. Jean had entered the room. “Why, Jean, you look great. All we have to do now is find you an apron, collar and head covering.” Lizzy was having trouble pulling her dress over her head and Stacey stepped over to help. “Now, what can we use for collars? Do you girls have any white scarves?”
“I might have a couple,” Cody said from the doorway.
Lizzy gave her a perplexed look “Scarf?”
“You know, Lizzy. The kind Daddy wears when he’s going to an important meeting when it snows.”
“I know where those are.” Lizzy shot out of the room, her boots slapping against the wood floor.
“Wait, Lizzy, I’ll get them,” Cody called.
Jean shot by her, going after Lizzy and Cody.
Stacey followed more slowly. She stopped in the doorway of a spacious bedroom overlooking the back of the house. A wide bed faced a picture window framing a beautiful view of the ocean. There was a sitting area that included a TV and desk. On another wall was a chest of drawers.
Cody was looking through the top drawer of the chest. He pulled out a scarf with an air of triumph. He looked at her. “Will this do?”
“I believe so.”
Jean joined Lizzy beside Cody. “Is there one for me?” She considered her father expectantly.
Cody pulled out another one. “Back up, girls, and let Stacey do her thing. She’s the one with the plan.”
All three of them turned to her with now what? expressions on their faces.
“They go around your neck. The ends can be tucked inside your dresses.” She hadn’t moved from the doorway.
“You can come in.” Cody’s voice held a hint of humor.
Still Stacey hesitated. If she did, she was entering his personal space, the forbidden land. Even with the girls there it filled her with naughty anticipation. As if she were entering a place of excitement and danger. She refused to let him see that. “I know.” Taking a deep breath, she walked toward them. As innocent as the reason was, she was still in Cody’s bedroom. She looked around. It would be the one and only time.
Cody’s gaze remained on hers as she came toward him. What was he thinking? Anything near her own thoughts? No, she’d made it clear the other night and again in the hallway of the clinic that she wouldn’t allow anything to happen between them. But had she really meant it? Had he accepted it?
Jean handed her a scarf. “Do mine first.”
Stacey blinked, her focus shifting to the eight-year-old. That was good. She had to quit thinking about Cody. Taking the scarf, she wrapped it around Jean’s neck, tucked the ends into her dress then fluffed it out around her neck. Standing back, she looked at her handiwork. “You’re starting to look like a real Pilgrim girl.”
“My turn,” Lizzy cried.
Stacey did the same with her scarf. Done, she said, “Now we need to find you each an apron.” She turned to Cody. “Do you have any aprons in the kitchen?”
“Are you kidding?” he croaked. “Never use them.”
“Figures.” She looked around the room. “What can we use?” She pursed her lips in thought. A slow grin formed on her lips. She snapped her fingers. “Got it.” She looked at Cody. “I’m not sure you’re going to like this.”