Page 25 of Raw and Ready (Forbidden Fantasies 39)
The tears are really freely flowing now and I let out a low, ugly sob. I’ve dreamed of this. Of Hunter coming back, but I never expected it to really happen.
Meanwhile, the big man turns and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Dani,” he whispers. “Will you forgive me for my pig headedness? I promise, I’ll never let it happen again.”
I suck in a sharp breath and look up at him. The older man’s staring at me like he can’t get enough, almost as if he’s memorizing my features. I want to scream at him some more, and to yell and cry and rant but the fact is that I love him too, and the empty space in my heart is already beginning to fill.
“Yes, I forgive you,” I whisper while leaning into his side. “I love you too, Hunter.”
My boyfriend wraps me in a tight hug as I cry against his chest, drenching the front of his shirt. After a minute, I pull back to look at him again and am startled to see shining tracks on his cheeks as well.
“Damn, you’ve caught me,” he says in a gruff tone, wiping at the moisture. “I never cry, but there’s a first time for everything.”
“I hope you’re only crying because you love me,” I say in a soft tone, leaning into his embrace. The gorgeous doctor presses a tender kiss to my lips.
“I am,” he confirms. “I love you more than anything, Dani Hartford.”
This is my opportunity because actually, I discovered something while we were apart. I tilt my head up to gaze into those stormy blue eyes and then straighten my shoulders.
“Actually, there’s one more thing I need to tell you.” Then, I lean back and pull up my sweatshirt revealing the tiny bump beginning to form in my lower belly. Hunter’s eyes drop downwards with confusion, and then come back up to meet mine. “I’m pregnant with your baby,” I murmur in a soft voice.
The doctor is utterly stunned. He can’t move and remains like a rock on the couch, albeit a vibrating one.
“We’re having a baby?” he croaks.
I nod. “Is that okay? I only found out a month ago, so I’m not very far along yet –”
“We’re not very far along yet,” he corrects in a rough tone. “We’re pregnant together, sweetheart. Holy shit! We’re having a baby!”
“So, you’re happy?” I manage in a tremulous voice. He nods.
“Yes. I want this child with you, sweetheart. I love you so much, and you’re going to be a great mommy. I can’t wait for that. This is our new beginning, and I promise I won’t let you down again,” he says in a fervent tone before pulling me in for another soul-destroying kiss. His gaze is reflective when he finally pulls away. “You see, Dani, I’ve always wanted to have a second child, but I didn’t think the opportunity would ever come again. But now, you’ve given me this and I’m eternally grateful.”
I melt into his arms while mewling with pleasure, my world finally making sense once more. Hunter is back and he loves me. After everything that happened, our differences have been resolved at light-speed, but it’s okay because we have a lifetime to figure it out. I have the gorgeous physician in my arms against all odds, and with a baby on the way, I really couldn’t ask for anything more.
“How is everything at my old apartment?” I ask Chrissy with a smile while rubbing my bump. “Is that old microwave working okay?”
She pops another green jellybean in her mouth before answering, but then smiles and nods.
“It’s great, actually, and yup, the microwave’s working just fine. It’s hard to believe you gave up your space, actually.”
I laugh.
“Yeah, trading in my small New Jersey apartment to live in a mansion with my boyfriend is a real hardship.”
Chrissy shrugs with a grin.
“See, I told you that you’d regret swapping houses with me. Mansions aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I’ve only used the ping-pong table a handful of times in my entire life, and you know my dad had it shipped in from France. What a waste!”
Hunter chuckles and slings an arm around my shoulder.
“Yeah, but ping pong’s fun and I wanted you to stay out of trouble. Besides, Dani and I need the space this house provides,” he shrugs. “The baby’s going to be mobile in a matter of months, and he or she will need space to crawl.”
Chrissy looks thoughtful for a moment.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she muses. “It’ll be so awesome to have a sibling finally! You took your time, Dad!”
Hunter chuckles as I practically glow with pleasure. It was a little weird at first, facing Chrissy with the news that I was dating her dad. Well, not only dating, but expecting a baby with him in fact. But Chrissy took it in a stride and fully supports our relationship. I’m glad she’s on our side because I don’t know what I’d do if my friend hated the idea of me with her father.