Page 9 of Tempting the Law
I nod and he lets me go. I right my bathing suit before looking around the room, wondering what I should take. I grab a bag from my closet and start throwing clothes inside it.
“He ever touch you?” I turn to see Coen pacing back and forth, looking like a caged animal. I’m not sure what to say, because he has touched me before. I go with the truth.
He stops pacing, and his whole body locks up. A deadly look like I’ve never seen flashes across his face.
“Where?” he demands as he takes a step towards me.
I clear the distance between us, placing my hands on his chest in an attempt to get him to calm down. I don’t want something to happen here. I just want to leave this place and never look back. Growing up here wasn’t horrible, and I know others had it worse. I just hated it here when I knew I belonged with him, where I could have a real family.
The days ate at me as I knew I had to wait for the right time to be with him. It was a slow torture, but I knew it would be worth it as long as I got him in the end. That’s all that mattered. All that I ever wanted in life was to be with him forever.
“Not like that,” I try to reassure him. “Just sometimes he’d brush past me. Hug me a little too long.”
“That all?” His hands go to my hair, grabbing a handful in a possessive hold and pulling it a little to make me look up at him.
“Sometimes he looks a little too long.” I bite my lip, not wanting to admit the next part.
“And?” he pushes. He knows I’m hiding something. I don’t want to upset him. This is all in the past now. It doesn't matter as long as we’re together.
“I think he tries to catch me changing or in the shower.”
His nostrils flare and his breaths get deeper, like he’s a raging bull.
One hand leaves my hair, sliding between us into my swimsuit bottoms to cup my pussy.
“He ever see this?” he asks as his middle finger parts me and starts to slide inside me. Our mixed pleasure still coats me and his finger glides effortlessly.
I can’t stop the moan that falls from my lips.
Before I know what’s happening, my back is on my bed, sending my pile of stuffed animals flying off onto the floor. Coen’s hand is over my mouth, the other still between my legs as he cages me in.
“I don’t want him or anyone else hearing the sounds of your pleasure. For all I know, that fucker has his ear pressed up against the door trying to hear you cum. I won’t allow him the pleasure of that sweet sound. It belongs to me and only me. He’s already gotten too much of you,” he growls next to my ear. His finger keeps moving. “Now answer me. Did he ever see my pussy?”
I shake my head and I feel him relax.
“You touch yourself in this bed thinking about me?”
I nod. Every night I did.
He pulls back, looking down at me as a smirk hits his lips and his eyes go hungry again. “I lie in bed at night and touch myself thinking about you, too.” He yanks my bathing suit to the side and pushes his hard cock inside of me. I moan into his hand. His switches hands, the one that was just between my legs now covering my mouth.
“This is going to be quick,” he tells me as he starts to move against me. I wrap my legs around him. “Lick my hand, sweetheart. I want you to taste that pussy you kept safe just for me.”
I do as he says and he starts to move faster, and my bed hits the wall with each stroke. His mouth goes to my neck, sucking and biting me all over. I can feel my orgasm coming. He pulls them from my body so easily. It was never like this when I’d lay in my bed late at night touching myself.
“That’s it, sweet girl. Cum for me and I’ll take you home. You’ll never lie in the bed and have to think about being with me. You’ll have me deep inside you every night in our bed.”
I cum at the words our bed. I love that I’m going to have this for the rest of my life. I feel him release deep inside, his warm cum coating me.
I don’t know how I made it all these years without him.
Chapter Nine
As I slowly pull from her body, I feel some of the rage I’d felt drain away. As much as I want to, I can’t leave this room to find her stepfather unless I want to be driven away from the house in a police car.
I couldn’t protect her that way. I don’t know how she did it, but she’s like a sweet balm to my anger. I know I have to get myself under control for her.
I bring her with me as I stand. “We’re leaving,” I tell her as I straighten her bathing suit. I bend and pick up the bag she’d started to pack and toss it across the room. “You’re not taking anything from here.”
I grab her hand and her fingers lock with mine. I thought she might fight me on this, but she just smiles.
“I only need you.” She says it like I’m the most important thing in the world, and it makes me want to beat my chest.
I pull her from the room, and I’m not surprised when I see John standing outside her door. I wonder how many times he’s done that before, if he ever listened to her touch herself as she thought about me late into the night.
I take a deep breath and push down my anger. We walk past him down the hall and out to the back where the party is still in full swing. Ignoring everything else but getting her out of here, I head straight for the pool house to grab my keys and the present I got her. I glance down at Eden, who still has the biggest smile on her face, not a care in the freaking world. Just happy that I have her. Fuck, I love that. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure she always has that smile on her face.