Page 8 of Secret Baby
He lifts up, letting his hand come between us as he rubs my stomach. I gasp, pulling back from the kiss to stare up into his eyes. They are darker than I remember or maybe that’s anger that I see in them. My heart pounds so loud I’m sure he hears it. Worry starts to creep in as my mind races. Will he want to be a part of our lives? Does he want me or will he stay because of the baby?
“Mine,” he says. It’s not a question. I’m not sure if he’s talking about the baby or me. I swallow. I should say something but I don’t know where to start. It’s been over five months since I saw him. I don’t know how he found me or his reasons for looking. I have so many questions but I’m also not sure I want to know the answers to them.
“Do you want me to call security?” Danielle asks, reminding me that she’s here. I’d forgotten about everything while Oliver had his mouth pressed to mine. I tend to forget a lot of things when his mouth is on me, hence why I’m sporting this little bump. Not that I regret that. It may be unplanned but I already love my baby so much.
I push on Oliver’s chest, knowing that I have to clarify a few things, but he doesn’t even move an inch. “It’s him.”
“I’m getting that.” Danielle lets out a laugh. “With the way you’re clinging to him, I’m guessing you want him to stay?” I let my legs fall that I’d wrapped around him at some point. I tell myself to drop my hands from his chest, but my fingers dig more into his shirt. My body is unwilling to do what I want it to. It seems to have no control when this man is around.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Again, I can’t read him. The scar that runs down his face stretches tight as he flexes his jaw. If I had to guess what the expression is that he’s wearing, I’m going to go with angry. What I don’t understand is that if he’s so mad, then why the heck did he kiss me?
“Can you let me up?” I ask. He doesn’t look like he wants to do it but he shifts, bringing me to a sitting position. I end up tucked up against him on the sofa. One of his arms goes around me while the other rests on my stomach in a possessive hold. I think he’s here for the baby. That is becoming clearer by the second. A pang of disappointment hits me, causing my eyes to sting with tears. Deep down inside I know that I can’t be selfish but I want him to want me too, not only the baby. I want that family that I’ve always dreamed of. I may not have expected it so soon but seeing him here, in my home, makes me yearn for it.
I try to stand but don’t get anywhere with his arms around me. “I have to pee.” It’s only a half lie. I don’t have to pee but I can always go at this point. I swear this baby is sitting on my bladder.
“Fine.” He stands, offering me his hand to help me up. I take it but he doesn’t let me go when I get to my feet. I try and shake his hold on me but his grip only tightens.
“This way?” he asks, pointing down the hallway.
“Yes. Can you let me go?” I try again to pull my hand free with no luck.
“I’ll take you.” He’s moving before he even finishes his words. He heads down the hallway as though he’s been here before. We bypass the hallway bathroom as he heads straight for the double doors that go into the master bedroom. He pushes them open, guiding me toward the bathroom, where he finally releases my hand.
“Thanks.” I give him a funny look. “I can take it from here.” I step into the bathroom. He folds his arms over his chest, refusing to move. “I’ve got it.” I try again.
“I’ll wait.” He‘s now wearing a stern face. “You’re not giving me the slip again.” I go to protest but I can tell from the look on his face that it’s not one I’ll win. I also know it’s not something I’m going to fight with him about. I’m guessing he’s already pissed about the whole being pregnant thing. He’s either mad that I didn’t tell him or he’s mad that I’m having a baby. The way he was touching my stomach, I’m thinking it’s the not telling him part.
“Okay.” I reach for the door, shutting it in his face. He can stand out there all he wants but he’s not going to watch me pee. I go slow, not sure what I’m going to say to him when I’m finished. He’s here. I still can’t wrap my mind around that. After I’m done using the bathroom, I stay inside, trying to figure out what the hell to do.