Page 20 of Secret Baby
I should probably cover up. I throw the blanket away so I can see my stomach. My nightie has ridden up and my panties are exposed but I decide I’m going to stay exactly as I am, hoping to spark something in Oliver. Praying that he has some sort of reaction to me.
“It’s me.” The door opens and I watch as he takes me in. His eyes fill with lust as I continue nonchalantly rubbing my bump. He quickly averts his eyes, turning away from me, but not before I see the erection he’s sporting.
“Did you think you’d find someone else in your bed?” I half tease. Jealousy runs through me. Why did he have to say my name? Who else would be in his bed? I tamp down my anger, knowing again that it’s the hormones. It also might be a mix of not understanding where we stand. His hot and cold mood swings are driving me insane.
“I don’t invite people to my house. Except family and I don’t even invite them. They just show up, so no, I wasn’t expecting someone else.” His voice is rough, as though he’s trying to keep himself under control. I should tell him that I need help getting dressed or some other reason that he needs to touch me but knowing that he’s still attracted to me is a small win for me this morning so I don’t push him. Plus my stomach isn’t that big yet. I can still manage to do things on my own. “We need to leave in an hour.”
“I’ll get ready.” I sigh, sitting all the way up in bed.
“You think you can eat?”
“You cooking?”
He gives me a sheepish look. “I order in but I can try and learn.” He rubs his hand through his short hair and I can tell my comment unsettled something within him.
“You don’t need to know how to cook.” I let out a small laugh, giving him a smile. “I love to cook.”
“I should know how to cook for you and the baby.”
“Then I’ll teach you sometime,” I offer.
“That sounds nice.” Finally I get a smile from him. It’s only half of one but I’ll take it. He’s handsome to begin with but when he smiles, he takes my breath away.
“I’ll be ready in a few.” I stand from the bed. His eyes roam over me. That small smile drops from his mouth before he’s turning and stomping from the room. What the hell? I’m the one who’s supposed to be hormonal and pregnant.
It doesn’t take long to get ready since I decide on going with yoga pants again and pulling my hair up into a bun on top of my head. I don’t bother with makeup. I’ve spent so many hours in makeup chairs that if I can get away without having to put any on, I will. I stand in the giant walk-in closet debating what shirt I should wear. I need to get more clothes but going out in public hadn’t been an option in LA. Now that I am in New York and no one knows it yet, I should be able to go out and grab a few things. Oliver’s little helicopter incident played in my favor in more ways than one.
I reach for one of his button-up shirts, putting it on as I slip on my shoes and head for the kitchen. When I get there, Oliver is pulling the lids off the dishes to reveal a table full of food.
“Did you order everything?” I slip into one of the seats, reaching for a piece of bacon.
“I didn’t know what you liked.” His eyes take in what I’m wearing and I’m pretty sure he likes it. He’s so hard to read.
“Well, you don’t talk to me much, so…” I say with my mouth full of food. I glance up at Oliver, who hasn’t sat down to eat with me. He looks like I smacked him. The shock is clear on his face. “What? I mean, I don’t know anything about you. You know nothing about me and we’re getting a house together. Having a baby.”
He pulls out a chair and starts to talk. He tells me everything about himself. I sit and listen, hanging on to every word that his gorgeous mouth utters. “Eat or I’ll stop talking.” He piles more food onto my plate. I pick up a fork and eat, wanting to know every single detail about him that he’s willing to tell me.
When he talks about his family his face lights up. Each thing he says about them makes me fall for him more. I know in this moment he’s going to love our baby. I’m just not sure if I fit into that. I’m here because I have his baby, not because he really wants me to be, but being with me is the right thing to do in his mind. He doesn’t mention any other women. It’s either his family or work. Nothing else.