Page 26 of Trusting Sydney (The Temptation Saga 6)
“Thank you so much for the offer,” Carrie said. “We’ll take you up on it if there’s time.”
“Even if you can’t, we’re having another big party at the end of the rodeo. If you’re still in town, you must come.”
Sydney fidgeted. Why did Dusty have to have another party?
Before Sydney could formulate an excuse not to attend, Dusty spoke again. “There’s my brother. Sam! Over here!”
Good God, no.
Sam loped up, black Stetson on his head, his sandy hair curling along the outside. His gorgeous physique was apparent in his black western shirt and dark denim jeans. Was that the outline of his sculpted abs under the shirt? Sydney’s heart raced.
Sam smiled.
It wasn’t a real smile. It looked pasted on.
“Good afternoon.” He removed his hat.
“Sam, these are Sydney’s parents, Roy and Carrie,” Dusty said. “And this gorgeous little creature is Duke.”
“You have a little brother?” he said to Sydney.
She looked down. “Yes.”
“He’s a mighty fine-lookin’ young man.”
“Thank you,” Duke said with a smile.
“I’m sure you’re right proud of your big sister.” He turned to Sydney. “That was an amazing race.”
Her cheeks warmed. “Thank you.” She turned. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to take care of Sapphire.”
“Of course,” Dusty said. “We’ll see you later.” She and Sam walked off, Sean in tow.
“We’ll meet you down by the concessions,” Roy said, taking Duke.
“Okay, I’ll be there in about half an hour, soon as I get her settled.”
A few minutes later she was currying Sapphire. Her mare was beautiful, pure white. She’d wondered, when she bought her, why the previous owner had named her Sapphire.
No longer. The name fit. The mare was a jewel.
She turned toward the deep timbre. She didn’t have to. She knew exactly who it was.
Sam O’Donovan.
She cleared her throat. “Hello.”
“Congratulations again on the race.”
“Thank you.” She went back to work on Sapphire. “Is there something you wanted?”
She looked back up at him. Why did he have to be such a beautiful man?
And why couldn’t her heart stop pounding?