Page 65 of Treasuring Amber (The Temptation Saga 5)
“Well, uh…these guys have some questions about the Rachel’s site.”
Lance frowned. “Who the hell are these people?”
Harper stood. “I’m an attorney from Colorado. It’s come to my attention that you’re posting photos of women without their permission.”
“Bernie, I’ll fuckin’ kill you.” With fists clenched, the creep turned to Harper. “I run a legitimate operation. I have model releases on file for all the photos I post.”
“Yeah? Then why’d you just tell your brother you’re gonna kill him?”
“Because he’s an idiot. He knows that web site is nobody’s business.” He eyed Bernie. “Last time I give you any passwords for your own pleasure.”
“So you’re legit, huh?” Harper had his doubts. “Then you won’t mind if we see these model releases.”
“See them? You want to see them, call a cop. Get a warrant.”
“How about I get Paul Donetto over here to break your legs instead?” Harper stalked forward. “We’re leaving the cops out of it to protect the ladies. But hey, you want to play hard ball? It can be arranged.”
Lance’s square body visibly stiffened. “You know Donetto?”
“He’s a personal friend.” Well, not quite, but he knew the man.
Lance’s eyebrows shot up.
“I also know all the cops on his payroll.” That part was a bluff.
Lance’s pasty complexion turned greenish-gray. He looked like he was about to lose his lunch. He turned to his brother. “Bern?”
Bernie shook his head, his face the same gray hue. “Hey, I didn’t know he was a friend of Donetto’s, I swear. I thought he was just worried about the web site.”
“Fine. You can come and see all the model releases.” Lance paced the floor of the small room. “Then will you leave me the fuck alone?”
“Sure.” Harper hated lying. He was an honest man. But Lance was scum. He’d stay on his back until this was resolved.
They piled into the car and followed Lance to his place. His nice place. Posting porn on the web obviously paid very well.
“I work out of my home,” he said, as they walked to the door.
“Damn,” Blake said. “This is one nice setup.”
“It’s home,” Lance said.
“How come you let your brother live in that shithole apartment?”
“When he brings in some dough, he can live wherever he wants. I made the cash for this place. The only person who lives here is me.”
“Whatever,” Harper said. He was tired of this. “Let’s see the files, please.”
“Right this way.”
They entered the house and Lance led them to a fully finished full basement that had been turned into an office. “I keep all important documents in these filing cabinets.” He gestured to the oak cabinets.
Harper could hardly believe his eyes. This was some classy set up for a guy who made a living in Internet porn. It clearly did more than just pay the bills.
“Let’s have a look,” he said.
Lance opened a drawer and starting leafing through files. “Here’s the file on the Rachel’s girls. What name are you looking for?”
Amber stepped forward. “Cross. Look for Amber Cross.”