Page 20 of Taming Angelina (The Temptation Saga 4)
Before he thought better of it, he pulled her to his body and crushed his lips to hers. He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue. “Yeah, baby, that’s right. Open for me.”
Her lips parted, and she still tasted of tequila sunrise—the tang of the orange juice, the smokiness of the tequila, the sweet cherry of grenadine—all together in Angelina Bay’s kisses. Her tongue swooped out and met his, and suddenly the kiss had gone beyond anything he’d ever known. It was a joining, a searing, a complete union.
This, from a kiss?
Rather than stop him, the thought spurred him on. He kissed her more deeply, more intensely. His tongue learned the contours of her teeth, her gums, the inside of her cheeks. All sweetness, all Angelina. Her kisses drugged him with a narcotic he couldn’t live without.
He ripped his mouth from hers. Couldn’t live without? What kind of crazy nonsense was spewing inside his brain?
He’d only just met her, didn’t even like her. Of course she was beautiful. No one could deny that. But he’d never been one to be swept away by physical beauty. What was so different now?
God, how I want another taste of her.
Her normally sparkling green eyes were glazed over. She blinked a few time. Her lips were beet red and swollen from his kisses.
Just one more—
This time she came to him. Angie flung her arms around his neck and she mashed her lips to his.
Damn it all—the kiss was even better than the first. She seduced him, tantalized him with her mouth. His cock hardened in his jeans and he pulled her close and ground it against her belly. His groan seemed to come from somewhere else.
Still the tequila sunrise—tangy, smoky, and sweet. That was Angie. That was Angie. Not just her kisses but all of her. Her tangy attitude, her smoky sexiness, and the sweetness she kept hidden until she wanted to let it out—like this morning when she got to the barn before he did and gave him a dazzling smile when he entered.
Oh, hell no.
Angie. It suited her now that he knew her slightly better.
“Angie,” he whispered against her lips.
“I want you.”
“I want you too.” Her voice was low and husky. “God, how I want you.”
But they were in one of the training rings, out in plain sight, on his boss’s property…his boss’s sister-in-law. God, I don’t care. So don’t care.
“Let’s get the horses back.”
When Belle and Adonis had been secured in their stalls, he grabbed Angie’s hand and led her to one of the small houses on the property.
“Where are we?”
“Gerry’s on vacation this week in Denver, thank God. I’m taking care of his cat.”
Where was the damn feline? Who cares? Right now his only concern was where the bed was. Hell, he didn’t even need a bed. The couch would do. Or the floor. Or the kitchen table…
He grabbed both her hands. “You still want this?”
“God, yes, Rafe. Please. I’m so wet for you.”