Page 67 of Teasing Annie (The Temptation Saga 2)
“Nothing. Do you have any news?”
“As a matter of fact, I do. One of my deputies got an anonymous call late last night.”
“It seems one of Dallas’s men may have been paid off to poison the grain.”
“I thought he trusted his men.”
“He did,” Chad said. “But if the price is right, even the most honest man can take a tumble.”
Annie knew the truth of Chad’s words. She had seen her ex-husband turn from nice guy to violent criminal all for the sake of money. “Any idea which one it is?”
“I’m going to start questioning them today. We’ll find the culprit.”
“I hope he hangs,” Annie said. “Anyone who hurts innocent animals is a monster.”
“Well, babe, hangin’ kind of went out a century ago, but we’ll see he’s taken care of.” Doug winked at her.
“You know what I mean.”
“I sure do,” Chad said, “and I agree with you. Any man who’d hurt an animal ain’t nothing but a coward.”
“Can’t say I disagree with either one of you.” Doug raked his fingers through his auburn mane. “I don’t want to start questioning the men without Dallas though.”
“I can go up to the house and get him,” Chad offered.
“If you don’t mind, that’d be great,” Doug said. “I’ll just stay here and keep Annie company.”
Annie forced a smile. Doug Cartwright wanted more than to keep her company. It was written all over his face. “No need,” she said. “I’m done here.”
* * *
A thousand wildebeests were stampeding inside Dallas’s head. It hurt to move. Hell, it hurt to breathe. Fragments of the previous evening came to him. Lying supine on his bed, sucking on a bottle of Macallan. Calling Annie. Annie helping him to the bathroom. Kissing her in the tub. He smiled at that one. Her silky hands helping him into a pair of boxers and putting him to bed. She had stayed. So where was she now?
Cursing, he walked to the bathroom and swallowed four ibuprofen. He quickly dressed and went to the kitchen. On the table was a note.
Good morning, sunshine. Your breakfast is in the fridge. Microwave for two minutes and eat every bite. I didn’t bother making any coffee.
P.S. Some lemongrass herb tea will help the headache.
He smiled. Lemongrass herb tea. God, she’s adorable. God, I love her. If only she had stayed. If only she were here now. If only…
He was wiping his lips after breakfast when Chad came in the back door. Though his brother shut the door gently, the thud echoed in Dallas’s aching head.
“Quiet, will you?”
“Sorry, bro. Doug’s out at the site. He needs to talk to you.”
“Have you seen Annie?”
“She’s out there too, checking on the stock.”
“Good. She’s still here.”
“What? You don’t mean—”