Page 58 of Teasing Annie (The Temptation Saga 2)
“You should hit him back,” Chad said. “God knows he deserves it.”
“Not while I’m on duty, but I might take you up on it some other time. See you all around.”
As the sheriff drove away, Chad turned to Dallas. “It’s time for you and me to have a talk, big brother.”
“Can’t imagine what about.”
“You’re in love with that woman.”
Dallas inhaled sharply. He couldn’t deny it. “It’s none of your concern.”
“You’re in love with her all right. I knew the minute Zach fell for Dusty, and I knew the minute you fell for Dr. Annie.” He scoffed. “God, the two of you are so transparent it’s amusing.”
“Like I said, it’s not your concern.”
“Get it through your thick head, if you haven’t already. She’s beautiful, and she’s built. And even more attractive to the cowpokes around here, she’s different. She wears different clothes, a different hairstyle. She even talks differently. She paints her toes silver. Which is really hot, by the way, though God knows why.”
Dallas’s facial muscles tightened.
Chad continued. “People are going to take notice, Dallas. Hell, you’ve seen it already.”
“And your point is?”
“Whatever’s keeping you from her, get over it.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“What is it?”
“This conversation is over.”
“Suit yourself. Hear this, though. You came close to taking a swing at me over her yesterday, and you didn’t stop yourself with Doug today. You’re damn lucky he took it in stride. If you plan to clock every guy who looks Annie’s way, prepare to have it come back to bite you in the ass. Sooner rather than later.”
“I can control myself. I don’t need some twenty-eight-year-old who’s never had a serious relationship giving me pointers.”
“I’m thinking you’re the one who’s never had a serious relationship.”
“I was married!”
“What difference does that make? You and Chelsea had about as much to say to each other as Jesus and the devil. Though I can’t decide which of you is the devil in that analogy.” He chuckled. “Marriage is a piece of paper, Dallas. You never loved Chelsea, and she never loved you. But you love Annie. You’re a fool to let her go.”
“You don’t know shit about love, Chad.”
“Well…can’t say I’ve ever been in love myself, but I know gut wrenching, heart stopping love. I saw it with our parents and with Zach and Dusty. And now with you.” He scratched his head. “Course it’s not all that attractive in your case.”
Dallas sighed. “You don’t know the half of it, brother.”
“What’d she do that was so bad, Dallas?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Suit yourself.” Chad adjusted his Stetson. “Not that you deserve it, but I’ll leave her alone in deference to your feelings. But don’t expect Joe and Doug to share my scruples.” He tucked his hands in his pockets. “I’ve got some work to do. Call me if anything else happens with the stock.”
“Will do.”
* * *
Bakersville, Colorado.