Page 83 of Her Two Lovers
When he withdrew his penis, he slid down her body and covered her lips with his. They kissed, sharing his taste, sharing their passion. His heart beat against her chest, a rapid cadence that matched her own. As the kiss turned from frantic to gentle, he rolled to the side and pulled her body against his. She ran her fingers over the damp skin of his shoulder as he nibbled at her lower lip. She closed her eyes, and sweet emotion enveloped her.
Chapter Six
“Where did Ryan go?”
Chandler kissed the side of her neck. More thrills shot through her.
“He knows when to make his exit.”
“We share women from time to time. To give the woman something special. But when it’s a woman he wants, I make an exit when I can. And vice versa.”
Her heart skittered.
“Are you saying you want me?”
He laughed. “I’d think that’s pretty obvious at this point.”
Jane sat up. Checked her watch. Forty-five minutes until show time. “We need to get ready. I wish I had a clue what you were talking about, but we don’t have time right now to figure it out.”
He grabbed her hand. “We have a few minutes. I need to tell you something.”
“That you hate my music?” She scoffed. “I already know that. You like my body, hate my music. Well, Chandler, I am my music.”
He sighed. “I don’t hate your music. For God’s sake, I happen to think you’re incredible.”
“You do?”
“You mean all of our amazing sex hasn’t convinced you of that?”
She couldn’t help but smile. “It was pretty amazing.”
“You’re so talented, Jane. You’re going places. I know it. You’ve said you envy me. To be truthful, I envy you.”
“Me?” Jane whipped her head around to look into his smoky green eyes. For a moment she thought she could see into his soul. He spoke the truth.
“It was my idea to go see you play the other night.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope. Ask Ry. He’ll tell you. I’d heard you were something special, and I wanted to check you out.”
“But you don’t like my music.”
“It’s not that. I do like your music. Am I a huge rock fan? No, I’m not. I’m a classically trained pianist. But I recognize talent. You’ve got it. And frankly, you’re headed in a direction I’m not. It’s hard for me.”
She frowned. “What do you mean? You’re wonderful. You made that keyboard come alive last night.”
“I didn’t expect you to be as good as you are.” He feathered a finger over the sensitive skin of her inner arm. “And I certainly didn’t expect to come alive when I touched you.”
She closed her eyes, inhaled. He felt something. This wasn’t one-sided. She was right. He felt it too. Her lips curved. She opened her eyes. “What did you want to tell me?”
His lips pursed for a moment. “I had an audition last week. To be the concert pianist for the Greater Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I was the favorite going in. My audition went without flaws. I was sure I had nailed it.”
Her heart sank. “What happened?”
“It went to an underdog. A woman not unlike yourself. A modest background. Mostly self-taught at an early age, though she did get a scholarship to an East Coast conservatory and studied there.”