Page 67 of Her Two Lovers
“What…what is going on here?”
“We’re going to fuck, baby.”
“Yeah…” Sounded great, but… “We can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He nibbled at her areola.
Keep your head, Jane. “Because. We don’t…know each other. We don’t like each other…”
“I like you fine right now.” He let her nipple drop with a soft pop. “But maybe you’re saying you don’t like me?”
“Well, you…” She closed her eyes. Couldn’t look at that handsome face and those lips swollen from kissing her. That body that had
rocked her out of orbit. “You don’t like my music.”
“What the hell?” He scooted away from her, but remained on the bed.
She resisted the urge to lean back into his warmth. “You heckled me all last night. Got yourself arrested because of it. And now you’re here, wanting to fuck me?”
He scoffed. “Yeah. Don’t know what I was thinking.” He stood, still clothed. “I should have my head examined.” He rubbed his temples. “It’s still pretty fuzzy up there. You are beautiful, but definitely not my type.”
Jane’s heart sank. She had hoped… Well, she had hoped they would continue despite her own misgivings. She’d hoped he’d be persuasive, show her how much he wanted her. Instead, he obviously had his own misgivings. She should be thankful he’d come to his senses. Not filled with a sense of loss.
“Maybe we could—” The phone rang, interrupting her thoughts. “Sorry. Excuse me for a minute.”
She grabbed her cell off the nightstand. Becca. “Hey there.”
“Jane,” Becca said. “I have great news and not so great news.”
Jane’s tummy did a flip-flop. Well, not so great was better than terrible. And great was…well…great. “Give me the great.”
“Lenny went to see Lisa Taylor at her hotel and begged for a second chance. She’s coming back to Rodney’s tomorrow night to hear us. He fixed it with the owner and everything to have us play on a weeknight. We won’t get paid, but he figured it was worth it.”
Jane’s feet actually left the ground. A jump for joy. “You’re kidding? What was he thinking? But who cares, it worked! That’s so great! But why isn’t he calling?”
“Well, sweetie, that’s the not so great news.”
There went the tummy flop again. “Shit. What is it?”
“On the way out of the hotel, a cat ran by him.” Becca’s sigh hissed through the phone.
“So a cat ran by. So what?”
Becca cleared her throat. “Well, a big dog was chasing the cat, and he knocked Lenny down on the sidewalk.” A pause. “He broke his wrist.”
Jane’s breath caught. “Geez. Is he okay?”
“He’s fine. He’s at home resting. Fernando and I are on the way over to his place to see him now.”
“Thank God.” Then it sank in before Becca said the words.
“But we play for Lisa Taylor tomorrow night, and we’re shy one keyboardist.”
Chapter Three
Thank God she had stopped him. What had he been thinking? About to sleep with a woman whose music he despised.
Well, not despised exactly. More disrespected. Even that wasn’t quite the right word, but her rock and roll represented everything that was wrong in his life, the bane of his existence.